Monday, July 3, 2017



How to be Free of Attraction to the Fleeting and Perishing

Now, we have to pay attention towards our sense of being, of existing that "What am I?".  This existent element "I am" -  my sense of being, is my true self (swaroop).  At this time if you do not have a clear experience of this then too you understand that my sense of being (existing) is in waking state, dream state, and deep sleep state.   There are three states -  waking-dream-deep sleep".  These states keep changing and "I" remain one in all the three states, there is no changes in the "self".  

Just as there is "I-ness", which is ever changing,  I am eating, I am sleeping, I am going, but my sense of being (existing) is one and the same only.  In the deep sleep state that sense of I-ness merges into ignorance;  however you the "self"  remains.  You have the knowledge of both the presence and absence of "I-ness".  Right now there is presence of the "sense of I-ness",  and in the deep sleep state there is absence of "sense of I-ness."  Though there is absence of sense of I-ness, then too you (self) exists.   Therefore your existence is independent of the "sense of I-ness."   Sense of "I-ness" arises and subsides, but your existence never subsides, it remains at all times.   When even your own existence is void of sense of I-ness, then where is the connection with the body?  And when the body is also not with us, then how can the wife, son, family be with us?   Then I (the self) am separate from them and they are all coming and going (rising and perishing).   I know them,  they are all within my sphere of knowledge.  I (Self) have knowledge of their arising and perishing.  
     (to be continued)

Ram Ram 

From book in hindi "Bhagwat Praapti Sahaj Hai"   by Swami Ramsukhdasji.  


 NEW VIDEO ON SEVA (in Hindi) 
from Sadhak Sanjivani 


सेवा सम्बन्धी मार्मिक बातें – `साधक संजीवनी’ – स्वामी श्रीरामसुखदासजी


 To read  DAILY MESSAGES in HINDI please visit :    -  सबका कल्याण कैसे हो ?
