Thursday, May 5, 2016

|| Shri Hari |

Why does the Jeev Return?
Sisters and mothers !   while staying in your home,  proclaim that from henceforth,  I will do the work,   you all rest !   You do the work of all the members of your household.  If you are a mother-in-law, then may you tell your daughter-in-law 'Child, wait, I will take care of it.'  The daughter-in-law says 'Ram !  Ram !!  O' Lord ! how can it be so?  Seniors working, while I am here?'  then the mother-in-law says -  'Child !  while I am alive, I should most certainly work'   the daughter-in-law says,  'mother !  You work, while I sit around? How can that be possible?  If you go away, then who will we show the work that has been done?  There the work will have to be done by me'  In this manner, let there be a race in every homes for the first to do the work.    Sister-in-law says, I will do the work.   Daughter-in-law says,  I will !    Pleasure, rest, praise is for others,  where-as the housework,  effort, is for us.  Then you will not have to come to this world.   When you have not accepted anything as your own and you have served all,  then for what will you return here?   

Work at home.  Serve others.   Give them happiness.  Do not be proud.   Do not have  a sense of mine-ness.   Your mine-ness will not work.    Hundred years back,  did you have affection, a sense of mine-ness with these family members and this house?   After a hundred years, will that affection and mine-ness remain?   It will not remain. Even at present it is going away constantly.  The number of days that have gone by,  that many days,  all these things have separated from us.   When life-span comes to an end, then it will say 'Raam Naam Satya Hai' -  (Only the Divine Name of the Lord is Real'   Then how are these things yours?   Before they were not yours, later on they will not be yours, then in the middle,  how have they become yours?   Every moment they are departing from you.  Serve everyone with these things.  Respect them.  Give them honor. While  living at home, be supremely benefited.


From "Kalyaankari Pravachan"  in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji