Tuesday, September 26, 2017



Beholding God Everywhere

Bijam maam sarvabhootaanaam viddhi paarth sanaatanam
(Gita 7/10)
"O' Partha, know Me as the eternal (Sanatana) seed of all beings; (Gita 7/10)

Ye chaiva saatvikaa bhaava raajasaastaamasashch ye |
Matta eveti taanviddhi na tvaham teshu te mayyi ||
(Gita 7/12)

Whatever entities are born of sattva (mode of goodness or purity), of rajas (mode of activity or passion) and tamas (the mode of inertia or ignorance), know them all as evolved from Me; yet still neither I am in them, nor are they in Me. (Gita 7/12)

Yacchaapi sarvabhootaanaam beejam tadahamrjun |
Na tadasti vinaa yatsyaanmaya bootam charaacharam || (Gita 10/39)

O' Arjuna, I am the seed of all beings. There is no creature, animate or inanimate, that can exist without Me. (Gita 10/39)

Just as a seed becomes a tree, similarly God only becomes the world. God only is the seed of all movable and immovable creatures.

Not only that, further ahead God says - "Sadasacchaahumrjun" (Gita 9/19) "I am being (real) and non-being (unreal) both." In this world besides being and non-being, there is nothing else. The world is non-being, and That which resides in it, our Lord, is being. The body is unreal, the one who resides in it is real. The embodied soul is real. The world and this body are constantly changing, but the jeevatma (embodied soul) and Paramatma (God) are unchanging (without any modification). God says that the changing is also Me and the unchanging is also Me. The perishable is also me and the Imperishable is also Me. Even Arjuna says -

"Tvamaksharam sadsattaparam yat" (Gita 11/37)
"You are the being (real), the non-being (unreal), and that which is beyond both being and non-being i.e. the Imperishable Brahma.

to be continued......
From "Sab Jagah Ishvar Roop Hai" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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