Monday, April 29, 2013

The Gist of Gita

|| Shri Hari ||
 The Gist of Gita
(Gita ka Tatprya)

continued ......


Therefore in every type of work, one must see to the welfare of the other.  In this the expense is very little,  but the benefits are
immense.  The little expense is in that, when someone who does not have food and essentials, if they come in front of you, then give them some food,  water and clothes. Give them a little support. Be of some aid to them.   If an opportunity arises to stay hungry yourself and give someone food, then do so.  When we keep the “Ekadashi”  fast,  that day we anyways remain hungry.  During partition several people coming from Pakistan, could not get a glass of water even after offering to pay Rs. 10.  Therefore it is not in our hands to get food and water at all times.   Sometimes one has to remain hungry and thirsty.   If one remains hungry or thirsty for the benefit of others,  then surely it will lead to one’s supreme good !  

In this manner, whatever is done,  let it be done for the benefit of others.  One may be of any religion, community,  sect, caste, stage in life, etc,  he who does not play favoritism and sees to the welfare of all, he will attain salvation.  

अयं निजः परो वेत्ति गणना लघुचेतसाम् ।

उदारचरितानां तु      वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥

                                                                        (पञ्च॰ अपरीक्षित॰३७)

“This one is mine and this one is someone elses  - these are the sentiments of men with constricted hearts.   Those who have a generous heart,  for them this entire universe is their family. 

The point is that those with a generous disposition, they do all work only for the welfare of the entire universe.   It has come in Ramayan - 

उमा संत कइ इहई बड़ाई ।

मंद करत जो करइ
भलाई ॥

                                                                           (मानस. सुन्दर॰४१/४)

The saints do good even towards those who harm.    At the time when Lord Ram, sends Angad to Ravan, he says that behave in such a way with the enemy,  by which our work gets done (the return of Sita),  and Ravan's supreme good is taken care off.  

काजू हमार तासु हित होई ।

रिपु सन करेहु बतकही सोई ॥

                                                                              (मानस, लंका॰१७/४)

Such generosity in men comes from renunciation.  Therefore,  there is great glories of renunciation in Gita.  By renuniciation, one gets immediate peace - “tyaagaachaantiranantaram”  (Gita 12/12)  ‘त्यागाच्छान्तिरनन्तरम्’ (गीता १२/१२) ।

Man gets peace even on forsaking things like  urine and feces.   There is a certain level of joy within,  the body becomes light,  he becomes free of disease.   There is greatness even on giving up the dirtiest of things then  to give food-clothing etc for the welfare of others is such an exceptional thing.  On the subject of renunciation,  there is one exceptional point, that the thing which is not ours,  but which we have mistakenly regarded as ours,  that mistake has been renounced.  Just as when we come in this human body,  then we did not bring anything with us,  even the body has been received from the mother, and when we leave,    then we will take nothing with us.   However, the things from here we have accepted as our own, and we have become their master.   Therefore we have to renounce those things  from the mind, that these are not mine, rather it belongs to everyone, which is what it actually is.   Simply by doing so, you will be benefited immensely.   Gita says -   

निर्ममो निरहंकारः स शान्तिमधिगच्छति ॥


Nirmamoha nirahankaarah sa shaantimadhigacchyati || (Gita 2/71)

"He being free from the sense of mine and egoism attains peace.”  He attains salvation. 

(to be continued)

From book in Hindi "Jit Dekhu Tit Tu"  by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 

Date : 23rd April, 2013
(Gita ka Taatparya)