Monday, October 29, 2012

Three Easy Paths for Salvation

Three Easy Paths for Salvation
(Kalyaan ke Teen Sugam Maarg)

Shree Hari

The sense of "I" and "mine" in the things, which are acquired and lost, gives birth to desires. All the desires of even a single person have neither been satisfied till today, nor will be nor can be . The desires which are satisfied, their consequences are also painful. The reason is that if a desire is satisfied, it gives birth to several other desires and thus the pain of the non-fulfillment of desires persists the same. A man holds that at the satisfaction of the desire he has become independent, but actually he becomes dependent on the things which he desired. But it is because of heedlessness that he feels happy in dependence. To free him from this dependence, God by His blissful providence causes sorrows for him. But he being sad, slights that blissful providence. If he instead of being sad with that sorrow, tries to discover the reason of his sorrow and annihilates the desire, the root of all sorrows and sufferings, he will become happy for ever.

It is very necessary for an aspirant to be free from desires because he can't perform his duty by having a desire. Not only this but because of his desire he makes God, Who is the goal (end) , a means to fulfill his desire. It means that he, who worships God having a desire to get something, that thing is his end and God is a means to achieve that end. So long as a man has a desire, he is dependent. A dependent person can neither renounce egoism and the notion of mineness, nor can serve others, nor can love God. He can become neither a Jnanayogi nor a Karmayogi, nor a Bhaktiyogi. Therefore in order to wipe out dependence, it is essential to have no desire.

All men are dependent in satisfying their desires, but they are independent and capable of renouncing desires. Every man can attain salvation independently; But so long as a desire lies within him, he can't be independent. Dependence can be annihilated only when a man has no desires. Having renounced desires, a striver gets victory over the world. The reason is that when a man has desires, he has to depend on several persons but he who wants nothing is not dependent on anyone. He becomes more valuable than the world. He becomes eligible to follow the three Yogas. Not only this, he becomes deserving to love God, because a man having desires can't love anyone.

When a man renounces desires, duty is naturally discharged by him. Without being free from desires, the duty is not performed and without the performance of duty, the available circumstances are not used properly. A man with a desire becomes dependent on the available circumstances and goes on thinking of the unavailable circumstances. But as soon as he renounces desires, being free from the dependence of the available circumstances and the thought of the unavailable circumstances, he attains Divinity which transcends all circumstances. (TO BE CONTINUED)

From book "For Salvation of Mankind" by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.

FOR MESSAGE IN HINDI PLEASE VISIT Date : 22nd October, 2012 (Kalyaan ke Teen Sugam Maarg) at
