Monday, February 13, 2012

Practical and Priceless Talks for Aspirants

Practical and Priceless Talks for Aspirants

It is the nature of many that they serve only where they receive honour and fame. Without honour, respect and praise, they cannot work at all. If some good things are done by them, then they say, this was done by me, but if something does not go so well, then they blame others. how can people with such tendencies attain salvation? All good work was done my me – This is "kaikai vrutti" (tendencies like that of Kaikai), and all good work was done by others – this is "Ram vrutti" (tendencies like Lord Ram).
Kaikai says - 
Taat baat mein sakal sanvaari |
Bhai mantharaa sahaay bichaari ||
Kachuk kaaj bidhi beech bigaareu |
bhoopati surapati pur pagu dhaareu || (Manas, Ayodhyaakaand 160/1) 

And Ramji says – 
Guru bashishth kulpoojya humaare | Inha ki kripaa danuj ran maare ||
Eh sab sakhaa sunahu muni mere | bhayi samar saagar kahaan bere || mama hit laagi janma inh hare | bharatahu te mohi adhik piyaare || (Manas, Uttarkaand 3/3-4) 

Therefore to work with the objective of acquiring respect-fame, pleasures-relaxation etc. is inappropriate for an aspirant.
An aspirant should become firm and determinate in the path that he pursues. Then whether there is pleasure or pain, praise or criticism, do not be concerned about that. The difficulties that come his way, contrary and opposing situation that come, it comes only for spiritual upliftment. In this there is one secret that if our spiritual practice is going well, and in the process, we begin enjoying pleasures and start to have pride that I have become a good sadhak, then God sends contrary circumstances. However, when he becomes rather scared, then God sends favourable situations. By sending favourable and unfavourable situations time and again, He alerts and warns us, and He protects us. 
I do not wish to take anything, rather I only want to give and give alone - by thinking so, man becomes a sadhak. If a sadhak is a servant then while serving, his pride of serving is wiped out in other words, the one serving (servant) does not remain, only service remains. i.e. He becomes a form of service, he becomes one with the one being served i.e. he will realize God. Similarly, if sadhak is a seeker of truth (enquirer) then the pride of being an enquirer will be wiped out and only enquiry (seeking) will remain. When only the enquiry remains, then that quest will be fulfilled i.e. he will attain enlightenment. Similarly, if an aspirant is a devotee then he will not have the pride of being a devotee, and he will become a form of devotion, i.e. all actions performed by him will be performed as devotion (for the Lord). Becoming a form of devotion, he will become one with the Lord. 
Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!! 
i.e. O' Lord! You know everything! 
From "Satsang Muktahaar" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.