Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An Easy Spiritual Discipline


I am God's and God is mine" - only accept this much, then further along whatever should happen, it will happen on its own. After accepting this, become free of any uncertainties and ambiguities. Now whatever effort is needed, you do. Do divine Name repetition (japa), chant the Lord's divine name (kirtan), do satsang, engage in spiritual studies, go to the temple, behold the Lord. Do not do any actions that are opposed to God and the scriptures. You must do as much as is within your control, and as much as you can do. Do not waiver on this point, whether unfavorable times come or favorable; whether someone approves of you or opposes you. This is the truth; and it is to be accepted ! Accepted once and for all.

Now a question can arise that if we do so, but thereafter do not attain God, then what? The answer to this is that till now, in so many years, what great work have you done, which will be short-changed? If it happens it will be gains only. All of you present here, can any of you tell me, what will be the loss? There will be no loss, and I do not deceive! There will be only gains; because this is the truth, and the truth will ultimately be realized as the truth. How long will a false thing last? By regarding this body and this world as our own, will it become ours? They have never been ours and will never be ours; however, if you regard them as yours, you will have to suffer and you will have to cry! Instead of being deceived by it, and later on accepting it as true, it is better to accept on my saying. Tell me, what deception will it lead to? And if you are deceived, then you have been deceived so many times already so far, therefore be deceived one more time by my saying! However if amongst you all, if any of you see this as a deception, then tell me brothers! There is no deception in this whatsoever. Besides gains, there is not the least bit of any losses.

Not only do I say this, but God Himself has said this - "mamaivaansho jeevaloke" (Gita 15/7) and Saints and great personalities have said so – "Ishvar ansh jeeva abinaashi" (Manas, Uttar 117/2). Therefore accept, grab hold of this point with a firm conviction. This is the principle that has been agreed upon by saints. Saints and Great Souls have done so and seen for themselves and they have showered us with their grace by writing this down, to reveal it to us. Just as some father, earns a lot of money, and gives it to his son, then what effort did the son have to go through ? Similarly, this is the wealth earned by the Saints and Great Souls, which they are giving to us. Now it is our duty to protect it, not to waste it. It becomes worthless on seeing and doing.

You regard as real, those things that are seen with your senses and intellect and the things that are done, but you consider the words of saints and great souls as imperfect. This is a mistake. That which is seen is not there. Actions are not permanent and their fruits are also not permanent. Thus depending on them, by dishonoring the Truth, do not choke the Truth. Do not cause violence to the Truth. By violating the Truth, the Truth is not harmed, rather we are harmed, and it is we only that take a fall.

Truth will always remain the Truth. Truth will never be wiped out - "Naabhaavo vidhyate satah" (Gita 2/16). If you do not abide in it, you will not benefit. Therefore, accept the point that - "I am God's and God is mine". This point is a very easy, but of a very high stature. It encompasses everything.

Narayana! Narayana !! Narayana !!!

From "Bhagwaan mein Apnaapan " in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji


If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.