(Seva - Parahit)
Ram Ram
From "Drops of Nectar" in English by Swami Ramuskhdasji

received from the world are only for serving the world, they are of no other
- If we like
some thing, then it is not for seeking pleasure from it, rather it is for
serving the world.
- Man must do
that work by which he too is benefited and the world too is benefited; the
benefits are at present as well as, it's outcome is also
- If you
serve the world, then you will develop a relationship with the world and if you
do work in the world for God then you will develop a relationship with God.
- He who has
the constant feeling in his heart of seeing to everyone's welfare, he finds a
place in the heart of God.
- Spirituality
has not gone sour, rather the relationship has; Therefore improve your
relationship. When selfishness and pride are renounced and one serves the other
then relationship improves.
- He who has
the sentiments of seeing to everyone's welfare, wherever he stays, there itself
he will realize God.
- To become
inclined towards God, one has to become disinclined towards the world and to
become disinclined towards the world, one has to do work for others with the
sentiments of selflessness.
- It is a
mistake to desire things for serving others. You have the right to serve with
only those things that you have received.
- Whatever
you do to others in the world, the result will be the same for you. Therefore
always do only good to others.
- He who
renounces selfishness and pride and is engaged only in doing things for the
welfare of others, he alone is in fact living.
- He who
wants to be served by others, for him the present times are very bad, but he
who wants to serve others, for him the present times are very
- Let no one
experience any suffering by any of our actions - such sentiments are genuine
- By serving
others selflessly, the relationship is also good and the attachment also breaks
- By serving
those in your household, one does not develop attachment. Attachment comes when
there is desire to take something or the other.
- The extent
to which man can benefit the world on attaining God, that much he cannot benefit
by any amount of charity and virtuous deeds.
- By serving
those who have animosity towards us, there is much gains; because there is no
enjoyment of pleasure from serving.
- You must
feel pleased that your fortune has unfolded, any time an opportunity arises to
serve !
- By seeing
our well-being as separate from all other beings, the ego persists, which in
the future becomes a roadblock. Therefore an aspirant must do every action only
for the benefit of the world.
Ram Ram
From "Drops of Nectar" in English by Swami Ramuskhdasji
Date : 4th April, 2013
- Parhit)
- Parhit)
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