Wednesday, November 30, 2011

                           Path of Instant Attainment


Pay attention ! I am sharing a very important point. 

"apichetsuduraachaaro bhajate" 1n this the act of worship and devotion "bhajate" by the vilest sinner "sudaraachaarh," it is not that he was a sinner previously. Rather, he is a sinner at present while he doing "bhajan". That sin has not left him yet. But within he does not honor sins, nor depends on his sinful acts. God says - you must consider him a saint "Sadhureva sa mantavyah" this is a rule, it is a command, it is an order. An order is given, because it may not appear as if he is a saint. Now, how to consider him a saint? You yourself call him a vilest sinner. Therefore the Lord says, you must regard him as a saint. For what reason should we regard him as a saint? The reason is that he has firmly resolved - "samyagvyavasito hi sah" - He will not deter, he will not waver one bit from his resolve of being devoted to God. Now what is the reason? Because the self is visibly and veritably an "ansh" of Paramatma (God). A ray of consciousness. He has developed an affinity with the world and worldly objects, and that has been the mistake. Turning away from the world, he has firmly determined and rightly resolved to be a devotee of the Lord, then where is the delay - "Kshipram bhavati dharmaatma shashvacchantim nigacchati" (Gita 9/31). In other words, immediately he has becomes virtuous and secures lasting peace. That devotee is never left without hope, is never destroyed. – "Na me bhakta pranashyati" (Gita 9/31) 

Man after engaging in worship and devotion becomes a devotee and even on changing his sense of "I-ness" (ahamtaa) becomes a devotee. When he changes his sense of "I-ness" that I am God's, then at that very moment, he will become a devotee. Just as someone becomes a disciple of a Guru (Spiritual Master), then he has undoubtedly become so. Now further on, it is the Guru alone will see to his welfare. In the end of Gita, that is exactly what Arjuna said – I shall act according to your words. "Karishye vachanam tava" (Gita 18/73). This is true refuge (sharanagati), that is the means of immediate attainment, of instant realization. 

Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!! 

From book in hindi "Bhagwat Praapti ki Sugamtaa" by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.