Path of Instant Attainment
"Kshanparinaamino bhaavaa rute chitishakteh"
Besides that One Consciousness, all-in-all are temporary and perishable. Thus it is not the Self (swaroop), It is not mine and it is not for me. With such understanding, remain firm and unwavering on that sentient power, that there is no deterioration in you at all. The more firm you remain on that sentient power, the more extra-ordinariness will come in you. The mind, intellect, senses, that you are not able to control, that causes you experience a sort of weakness in this regard, than that weakness will not remain. You may be surprised, at the amount of strength you will gather. The strength to win over desires, anger, greed, attachment, jealousy and other faults will automatically arise in you. However it is not to gain those powers that you need to become established in the sentient. You should not think that you need to gain the power. Only remain situated in the sentient power, in the self, knowing that there is no change or deterioration in me. In a day, ten times, fifteen times, twenty times, fifty times, hundred times, for about two to three seconds become situated in the self, that I have no flaws. Take care of your Self - "Sankar sahaj saroopu samhaaraa" (Manas 1/58/4) This "yog" can give immediate attainment. In this there is no delay. You may think that it took a long time, rather many years for the Rishis to attain this realization. And on seeing this, if you choose to reject what I am saying then it is your wish. It is my sincere prayer that you accept this point. Accept and see for yourself. If there is delay in attainment (realization) then the practices that take longer are ever ready and available for you to follow. There will be no harm what so ever, you can certainly follow that path. However, what I am sharing with you, it is a straight route. In this path, the mind, intellect, senses, etc, are not needed at all. In the end divinity will be attained, then it will not be through the intellect, it will be from renouncing the intellect. Endowed with ego, it will not take place, however it will happen from renouncing the ego. On becoming established in the Self, egoism will be renounced automatically and naturally, and when it is renounced, you will neither need to control the instincts and tendencies, nor need to engage the mind, nor do anything whatsoever. If you do not have faith, then do it and see for yourself. I say that it happens very quickly. It is the kind of method that leads to immediate realization. That method is - "vyvasaayaatmika buddhirekaa" (Gita 2/41) and "Samyagvyavasito hi saha" (Gita 9/30). Lord said -
"Api chet suduraachaaro bhajate maamananyabhaak |
Sadhureva sa mantavyah samyagvyavasito hi saha || (Gita 9/30)
Even the vilest sinner worships Me with exclusive devotion, he should be considered a saint, for he has rightly resolved to be My devotee," (Gita 9/30)
To worship with exclusive devotion means there should be no dependency and support, in the least bit of anything else.
Jaahi ne chaahia kabahun kachu tumh san sahaj sanehu |
Basahu niranter taasu man so raur nij gehu || (Manas 2/431)
Where there is no desire of anything, there is no support and dependency of anything, that is God's very special abode. Where there is dependency on inertness, that is not God's very own abode. God is not situated there. You have given a home to desires, then desires will stay there. Let there be no wants in any states, circumstances or conditions.
(to be continued…….)
From book in hindi "Bhagwat Praapti ki Sugamtaa" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
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If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.
"Kshanparinaamino bhaavaa rute chitishakteh"
Besides that One Consciousness, all-in-all are temporary and perishable. Thus it is not the Self (swaroop), It is not mine and it is not for me. With such understanding, remain firm and unwavering on that sentient power, that there is no deterioration in you at all. The more firm you remain on that sentient power, the more extra-ordinariness will come in you. The mind, intellect, senses, that you are not able to control, that causes you experience a sort of weakness in this regard, than that weakness will not remain. You may be surprised, at the amount of strength you will gather. The strength to win over desires, anger, greed, attachment, jealousy and other faults will automatically arise in you. However it is not to gain those powers that you need to become established in the sentient. You should not think that you need to gain the power. Only remain situated in the sentient power, in the self, knowing that there is no change or deterioration in me. In a day, ten times, fifteen times, twenty times, fifty times, hundred times, for about two to three seconds become situated in the self, that I have no flaws. Take care of your Self - "Sankar sahaj saroopu samhaaraa" (Manas 1/58/4) This "yog" can give immediate attainment. In this there is no delay. You may think that it took a long time, rather many years for the Rishis to attain this realization. And on seeing this, if you choose to reject what I am saying then it is your wish. It is my sincere prayer that you accept this point. Accept and see for yourself. If there is delay in attainment (realization) then the practices that take longer are ever ready and available for you to follow. There will be no harm what so ever, you can certainly follow that path. However, what I am sharing with you, it is a straight route. In this path, the mind, intellect, senses, etc, are not needed at all. In the end divinity will be attained, then it will not be through the intellect, it will be from renouncing the intellect. Endowed with ego, it will not take place, however it will happen from renouncing the ego. On becoming established in the Self, egoism will be renounced automatically and naturally, and when it is renounced, you will neither need to control the instincts and tendencies, nor need to engage the mind, nor do anything whatsoever. If you do not have faith, then do it and see for yourself. I say that it happens very quickly. It is the kind of method that leads to immediate realization. That method is - "vyvasaayaatmika buddhirekaa" (Gita 2/41) and "Samyagvyavasito hi saha" (Gita 9/30). Lord said -
"Api chet suduraachaaro bhajate maamananyabhaak |
Sadhureva sa mantavyah samyagvyavasito hi saha || (Gita 9/30)
Even the vilest sinner worships Me with exclusive devotion, he should be considered a saint, for he has rightly resolved to be My devotee," (Gita 9/30)
To worship with exclusive devotion means there should be no dependency and support, in the least bit of anything else.
Jaahi ne chaahia kabahun kachu tumh san sahaj sanehu |
Basahu niranter taasu man so raur nij gehu || (Manas 2/431)
Where there is no desire of anything, there is no support and dependency of anything, that is God's very special abode. Where there is dependency on inertness, that is not God's very own abode. God is not situated there. You have given a home to desires, then desires will stay there. Let there be no wants in any states, circumstances or conditions.
(to be continued…….)
From book in hindi "Bhagwat Praapti ki Sugamtaa" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.