Thursday, December 1, 2011

On Salvation 

Nothing is mine, there is nothing I want, and there is nothing I need to do for myself - these three points are the kind that can lead to immediate salvation. 

God's resolutions are for our benefit. If we do not have any resolves of our own then supreme good will take place on its own per God's determination. 

Worldly work can be done by someone else, but we ourselves will have to do work towards our own supreme good; just like we ourselves will have to eat food and take the medicines. 

For our salvation, there is no need for a new condition or state. By the proper utilization of the present situation or condition, we can attain our salvation. 

Salvation does not take place due to activities and effort, rather it takes place due to "bhaav" (feelings and sentiments) and "vivek" discrimination. 
If all people in a household consider themselves to be servants and the others in the household as the master (to be served), then all will be served and all will be benefited. 

Fondness of sense pleasures will lead to birth and death and love of God can lead to supreme welfare. 

He who wants his salvation, must pray with a sincere and true heart, then that voice will be heard very quickly in God's kingdom. 

Anyone that attains salvation, then at the heart of it is some saint's or God's grace. 

In this world there is no shortage of saints and great souls and those that can lead to our supreme God. However our own intense yearning, craving, belief and faith is lacking in attaining our salvation. 

From "Amrit Bindu" in hindi and "Drops of Nectar" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.