Friday, November 25, 2011

                       Path of Instant Attainment 

Method of spiritual discipline are of two types - one method is to do the spiritual disciplines with your body, senses, mind, intellect and another method is to straight away develop a relationship with God. 

In Gita, "Yog" (Union) has been glorified. "Yog" is the name for equanimity. Therefore from the beginning, grab hold of "equanimity", even if it can be postured at this time. In such "bhakti" itelf, the Self takes refuge (sharanagati) in God, even if "sharanagati" cannot be realized at present. Similarly, in Jnanayog, the "Self" is eternal, embodiment of Truth - it is essential to experience this. In Karmayog and Bhaktiyog, only single-pointed resolve (firm affirmation, determination) is essential. There is a difference between these two. However, whether we experience or have a single pointed resolve, the outcome of both is one and the same. There is no doubt about this.

 In path of knowledge - "In reality there is no modification in the true Self"- the speed with which perfection can be attained by remaining situated in this, that much cannot be attained by making effort such as listening-contemplating-or putting into practice (shravan-manan-nididhyaasan). In making effort, association with the inert remains for a very long time. He who attains Paramatma through meditation "dhyaanayog," they will attain, however, in "dhyaanyog" the association with the inert will remain for a very long time. But in Gita's Karmayog, Jnanayog and Bhaktiyog, there is no need for inertness. In Karmayog and Bhaktiyog there is power of single-pointedness (firm resolve). Therefore God has said in Karmayog - "Vyavasaayaatmika buddhireka" (Gita 2/41) and in Bhakti yog it is said - "Samyagvyavasitao hi saha" (Gita 9/30), In Jnanayog it is said - "esha tebhihitaa saakhye budhiryoge tvimaam shrunu" (Gita 2/39) In other words, this equanimity, "sambuddhi" was first told in "sankhyayog", now listen to this in the subject of "yog". 

In Sankhya, after the experience of the Self, one attains equanimity, and in Yoga (karmayog) after equanimity, one becomes established in the self. This is a very important point. 

In reality, the Self is not inert - on thinking, you will realize clearly, then now remaining situated in this the speed with which one can attain perfection, that much perfection cannot be attained in removing flaws, in listening-contemplating, putting into practice, meditating etc. 

Similarly in "Bhakti" " I am God's" - simply by this belief and acceptance itself, one will accomplish (attain perfection). What must acceptance be like? It must be such that no one can remove, such a firm and unshaken acceptance must be present. 

Just as Parvatiji said - 

Janma koti lagi ragar humaari | 
Baraoo sambhu na ta rahaoon kuaari ||
Tajaoon na naarad kar upadesu | 
Aapu kahahin sat baar mahesu || (manas 1/81/3) 

Even if Lord Shankar Himself says a hundred times that I do not accept you, then too I will not leave. This is the meaning of acceptance. When you have made a firm resolve, then for it's attainment spiritual practices will take place on their own, through you. Your tendencies will be naturally towards its attainment, The reason is that your sense of "i-ness" (ego) will change. In this there is no practice or effort. 

"Abhyaas" (Study and practice) has been described briefly in the Gita; Just as - "Yato yato nishcharati…." (Gita 6/26), "Abhyaasyogayuktena…" (Gita 8/8), 

"Abhyaasepyasamarthosi" (Gita 12/10), "Abhyaasaadramate" (Gita 18/36). Wherever any work that is done through practice, there one has to take the support of the inert. Without mind, intellect, practice cannot take place. However where the work is done through the "Self" (swayam), there practice (study, effort, abhyaas) is not necessary. When you get married, then do you have to study and practice for that? It is realized instantly. (to be continued) 

From book "Drops of Nectar" , in hindi "Amrit Bindu" by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.

