Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Divine Love

• Love of God, cannot be attained through sacrifices, austerities, visiting holy places etc. rather it happens only on having an undivided feeling of "mine-ness" (my very own) with the Lord. 

• One cannot get love from austerities, rather one gets strength. Love takes place on having the feeling of "mine-ness" (my very own) with God. 

• That extra-ordinary relish that is present in God's divine love, is not there in knowledge. There is indivisible bliss in knowledge, but in Love the bliss is never ending. 

• The differences are in opinions, not in Love. Love devours all doctrinal disputes. 

• Attraction towards God is called devotion. Devotion never is complete, rather is increases continuously, more and more. 

• There is a need for the feeling of "mine-ness" (apnapan) for the Love in God and there is a need for intense and unbearable anguish and longing in beholding God. 

• If you come to know the world, then you will develop freedom from worldly desires and if you come to know God then you will develop Love for Him. 

• He whose meeting is definitely likely, love that God, and he whose separation is definitely likely, serve that world. 

• Love is only that where there is no whiff of our own happiness and selfishness. 

• Love is even further ahead then liberation. Upto liberation, a being is the king to experience relish, but in love he becomes the giver of that relish. 

• In the path of Knowledge, sorrow, bondage are wiped out and one becomes situated in the Self, but he does not get anything. But in path of devotion, he gets every moment, ever increasing Love. 

• Without knowledge, love becomes an attachment and without love, knowledge becomes empty, a void. 

• He who has within him an inborn power of devotion (love) and is dependent of God's grace, he is not satisfied with liberation. God's grace makes the relish of liberation appear tasteless, and bestows him with never ending relish of Love. 

• By not having insistence of one's own opinion and by not being indifferent to other's opinions, nor criticizing them, nor disrespecting them, one naturally and automatically attains devotion (Love) after liberation. 

• Desire for pleasures comes to an end and liberation and quest to know is satisfied, but thirst for love- never ends and nor is it ever satisfied, rather it increases every moment.

• Attraction and aversion that take place in the world, but in God there is only attraction and attraction alone. There is never ever any aversion; if there is aversion then in fact there has not been any attraction so far. 

• Just as from a worldly perspective, without being attracted in to greed, there is not much significance to wealth; similarly without Love, there is not much significance of knowledge, there can be void and emptiness that can creep in it. 

From book "Drops of Nectar" , in hindi "Amrit Bindu" by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.