How to Recognize Our Lord? (continued...)
Just as we have undoubted and crisp clarity about "I am" (I exist) - there is never any doubt in the least bit, similarly "All is God" - this realization should be as crystal clear. On realizing this, the attraction to the world, the attachment pleasures will be completely wiped out, and the world will not remain in the form of the world, rather it will become a form of God. I-You-This-That nothing will remain, only God and God alone will remain; because in fact it is only God. To realize this you do not have to situate yourself in God, rather you have to totally surrender to (take refuge in) God. If you try to be situated in God, then I (the one who is situated) will continue to remain (to be existent). Therefore to realize "Vasudeva Sarvam," taking refuge in the Lord (Sharanagati) is most important. In Sharanagati, first the aspirant takes the support of the Lord, than he merges into the Lord. Just as initially when a girl gets married, she leaves her family heritage and takes on the husband's last name and heritage. Similarly, first a devotee takes the support of the Lord and says – "I am God's and God is mine", than his body-senses-mind-intellect-ego all become merged into God, i.e. only God remains. In other words, first an aspirant leaves "me" and "mine" and accepts "you" and "yours", then only You and You alone remains. This is "Vasudeva Sarvam".
Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!!
From book in Hindi "Sab Jagah Ishvar Roop Hai" By Swami Ramsukhdasji
• The moment the attraction for the world is wiped out, love for God manifests.
• That which is ours, it always appears dear to us. Thus on accepting the One God as our very own, love for God manifests.
• It is such a surprising thing that which is ever present and always there, that God does not appear dear to us, but that which is constantly and always changing, that world appears dear to us.
• As long as there is attachment to the world, till then real love for God will not be there.
• The attachment to worldly pleasures is the main obstacle to love for God. If one renounces this attachment, then love for God will awaken on its own.
• As long as there is attraction for perishable things, till then though one may be doing spiritual practices, till then the pull (love) towards the Imperishable and It's realization will not take place.
• The name of undivided and exclusive love for God is called "Radha tattva". As long as there is attraction to the world, till then one cannot experience "Radha tattva".
• There is no worship and adoration equal to having Love for God.
• As long as an aspirant wants to fulfill the insistence of his mind, till then he will neither be able to Love the God with form and attributes, nor God without form and attributes.
From book "Drops of Nectar" , in hindi "Amrit Bindu" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.