Sunday, November 27, 2011

                                           Path of Instant Attainment 


You all do not come after me to understand what I am saying about instant attainment. You do not insist that how can this take place? Getting on my case after my insistence is not the same as truly being persistent in getting after me. In your heart let there be one chant, one melody. If someone leaves the household life and becomes a sadhu (ascetic), then he becomes a "sadhu" once and for all ! That is it! There is no practice, effort in this. Does he have to engage in certain practices to become a sadhu? Does your daughter engage in any practices in becoming a wife of someone? You all are in Gorakhpur right now, then do you have to do any practice or make any effort in realizing "I am in Gorakhpur"? Even when you wake up from sleep you know that you are in Gorakhpur. If someone asks then instantly this very point is remembered that I am in Gorakhpur. Have you rolled a round of holy beads to know you are in Gorakhpur? There is no delay in knowing this; because there is no practice or effort in this. In practicing and making effort, there can surely be a delay. 

I am telling you about both Karmayog and Dhyaanayog. This is from the Gita, it is not something that is created by my mind. Sri Bhagavaan says - 
"Prajahaati yadaa kaamaansrvaanpaarth manogataan | 
Aatmanyevaatmanaa tushth sthitaprajyastdochyate || (Gita 2/55) 

God says :

O Partha (Arjuna), when a man discards all desires visiting the mind, and is self-satisfied in own self, he is said to be man of steady wisdom. || 55 ||

The meaning of discarding all desires visiting the mind is that the mind is not manifested with desires. The desires come and go, they are temporary. Therefore desires do not remain all the time. You say that desires do not go away, but I say, the desires cannot last! Even for ten-fifteen minutes the desires do not remain. It leaves and you grab hold of new desires. Thoughtfully study this, then ask questions, as to how to renounce desires. Which desires to give up? Then it is said "Sarvaan" in other words, totally and completely , entirely renounce all desires. Let no desires remain at all ! This point may seem heavy, that even the desire to " meet God, to behold God" does not remain! If the desire to meet God, to behold Him is not considered a desire. Desires are for the inert (jada). There is no desire for the "sentient" (chetan), rather it is an essential requirement. However, let that also not be there. 

Now let me tell you about Dhyaanayog. God says - 

"yada viniyatam chittamaatmanyevaavatishthate | 
Nihspruha sarvakaamaebhyo yukt ittyuchyate tadaa || (Gita 6/18) 

"When the perfectly controlled mind is fixed on the self (aatma) alone, free from desires for enjoyments, then the person is said to be an achiever of Yoga. (Gita 6/18) 

Now bringing together the verses of Karmayog (Gita 2/55) and Dhyanayog (Gita 6/18) check them out. In Karmayog after renouncing desires one becomes situated in God. And in Dhyaanayog, after engaging the mind in God, desires are renounced. That is the difference between the two. 

(to be continued...) 

From book in hindi "Bhagwat Praapti ki Sugamtaa" by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.