|| ShriHari ||
How to Remove the Fickleness of the Mind?
Question - The past and the future are not there right now, but the present is certainly there right now?
Answer - In reality, the present also does not exist at all. The conjunction of the past and the future is called, the present. Paanini, the grammarian in a Sutra said - "Vartamaansaameepye vartmaanvadva" (3/3/131); The proximate-present, is like the present, just as we say, of the past "I have come just now" and for the future, we say, "I am going just now" this is proximate-present. In reality, the proximate-present is what we call the present time. If as such there was any present time, then it could never become the past.
Truly, a place, time etc., do not exist, but only the divinity (existence) does. It means that anything that changes every moment, is not the present and that which never changes, alone is present. That Reality always exists, it existed in the past, exists now and will exist in future, but in essence, there is no past, present or future. In time, there is Reality (the Self) but in Reality there is no time. The Reality transcends time.
The present (Reality) (self) of all is flawless. So having risen above the limits of present, past and future, we should be established in that flawless and peaceful Reality (the Self) i.e. we should realize the self-evident state. On Self-Realization neither the mind nor its fickleness will persist but only the Reality (the Self) will persist.
Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!!
Ram Ram
From book in Hindi "All is God" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
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