Thursday, June 15, 2017

|| ShriHari ||

God Can Be Attained Assuredly Today  

To attain God is very easy. Nothing is as easy as attaining God. But there should be want of God only and not anything else. As none else is equal to  God. As the Lord is extraordinary, want for Him also should be extraordinary.  Three things are necessary for attaining worldly enjoyments – 1) Want 2) Effort and 3) Destiny.  

To get worldly objects, the very first thing necessary is want (i.e. desire) for it.   Then for its acquisition, one needs to make an effort. After making effort,, it will be acquired, only if one is destined to get it. If one is not destined to receive then even on wanting and making the effort, one will not receive it.  That is why if we try for profit, but loss is incurred ! But God is attained only by aspiration and wanting (icchaa). In this, neither effort nor destiny play a role, nor are they required. In this path of divinity there are never any losses, there is gains and only gains (naffaa).

Nothing except God can be attained only by desire. The reason for this is that human body has been availed only to attain Him.   God has bestowed upon us this human body,  only for the purpose of attaining Him.

The second point is that God is Omnipresent (in all places). Not even the space where the sharp tip of a needle can stand is vacant without God. Therefore in attaining God, effort and destiny are of no use at all. By effort only those things are attained that are perishable. The imperishable Paramatma cannot be attained through effort. Realization of Paramatma is only from ardent longing and desire.   
to be continued.......

Ram Ram 

From book in Hindi "All is God"  by Swami Ramsukhdasji  


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