|| ShriHari ||
God Can Be Attained Assuredly Today
Truly speaking, God is ever attained, but only our worldly desires bar Him from being realized. When we desire money and enjoyments, God does not forcibly make us leave it? If we earnestly aspire for only God, leaving aside all worldly desires, then who has the strength to block us from doing so? Absolutely no one has the power to restrict us. If we long to behold God then God also will long to behold us. If we long and cry out for the world, the world will not reciprocate. But if we call out and cry longingly for God, He too will surely cry out for us.
It is only the mother who truly knows whether the child is really crying or not. If a child does not shed real tears and simply utters the sound of weeping, the mother understands that he is cheating, pretending! If the child truly weeps, the mother can tell instantly from his breathing. The mother stops everything she is doing and immediately carries the child. What is the use of a mother that does not pay immediate attention to her child in desperation! What is the use of her living, if she neglects the child? Similarly what is the use of God who is not paying attention to the one who truly longs, cries and calls out for Him? If God does not meet such a devotee, then what is the use of God’s existent. If God does not meet one who is sincerely longing for Him from within, then God should not live!
to be continued.......
Ram Ram
From book "All is God" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Those who have not watched this video.... please do so
in Hindi - by Swami Ramsukhdasji
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