|| ShriHari ||
God Can Be Attained Assuredly Today
At least test my statement ! and see for yourself ! God is not attained by you, because you do not want Him. If you want wealth, then how can God intervene? The worst thing in the world is money - wealth. There is nothing more despicable than wealth-money – nothing whatsoever. If your mind is engrossed in such a worthless thing, how can God be attained ? By giving money you can purchase food, clothes, vehicles etc., but money itself cannot be eaten, worn or ridden on. The point is that money itself is of no use at all. Rather its utility is what matters.
God can be attained purely by desire (i.e. earnest aspiration, longing). No one at all will be able to restrict Him if you have a burning desire. If a child is weeping, the mother definitely comes. The child does not do any household chores. On the contrary, he hinders your work. But when the child cries, everyone in the household is on his side. All members of the family – mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, all of them say, "Oh, why don't you do something for this little one, carry him and console him." The mother has to stop all her work to carry and take care of the child. The only power the child possesses is loud crying – "Baalaani rodun balam" - "To weep is the power of the children". If you were to sincerely weep for God, earnestly cry and call out to Him, then all devotees, saints, noble souls would take up your side and invoke God by complaining – "Why do you not appear before him?"
to be continued.......
Ram Ram
From book "All is God" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
in Hindi - by Swami Ramsukhdasji