Monday, April 15, 2013


|| Shri Hari ||
(Sant aur unki Seva)


Now remains talks of obedience and following the saint's instructions.   They do not say anything in the form of a command or directive.   Due to their humbleness, whenever they ask anyone to do some work,   then they  intimate that in the following situations, the scriptures  instruct to do like this;  God instructs to do like this;   saints have said  and  demonstrated to do like this  etc.  etc.   but it is  most definite that doing as they say;  one will benefit without any doubt.  Therefore whatever they indicate,  understand these to be their instructions only and abide in these, then they will not object.    This is their generosity towards us, their mercy.  They have given us that much allowance.    Following the instructions and words of saints is ranked the highest among services.   Following their  words is  of far greater importance, even more than  serving their body.   Therefore we must give significance to  their  instructions and words.  
There was a saint, who wanted to test  a disciple among his various  faithful disciples.   He said -  I have a severe backache,  please press my back with your feet.     The faithful devotee said "Maharaj!  How can I touch my feet to your back?"     The saint immediately said -  "As you wish!  You cannot touch your feet   on  my back, but you have most certainly put your foot on my tongue (not followed my directive).   This is an example.   From this we must  take away the following lesson, that in serving,  give more importance to following through with the saint's  instructions, than in serving the body.    Yes!  it is possible that he may not be able to entirely  abide in  the saint's words,  however, if the intentions in the mind are one of obedience,  and for that he makes every effort  within his capability to try to obey,  then even if  it cannot be entirely followed, then too one will benefit immensely. 
If one does not fully understand the feelings and sentiments of a saint's words and message,  then humbly one must ask them to gain clarification on their meaning; but on gaining clarification,  there should not be the slightest bit of insufficiency in its fulfillment.    In following through with a saint's  words,  even if one has to  give up serving them, then  that too must be done.    When there is benefits of serving, than  on renunciation of service, there should be greater gains, because renouncing the thing that is invaluable, is even more valuable than that  thing.    And if   something is renounced as  per the instructions  of a  saint, then it is even more    significant.
Why will one who is truly faithful miss such an opportunity.    Yes!  one thing is true that if he finds hardship in serving, and therefore gives it up to avoid the hardships, then he does not understand the  significance of serving at all.   He is simply experiencing hardship in serving, therefore he remains deprived of any gains.   A saint does not want to give hardship to anyone, not in the least bit, therefore why will he want to take service from such individuals; because he is not starved of wanting someone to serve him.   T
here is selfishness and ego in the mind of t
hose who want to get service from others. Due to this selfishness, it does not strike them the kind of hardships the other person is experiencing;  however,  in the selfless heart of saints, there is illumination.   They know that who is experiencing joy in serving, and who is suffering.       

The saint himself out of his own will attends satsang;  because going in front of those loving seekers, contemplating, thinking and sharing the words of God takes place, which is most dear to saints.  Not only that,  saints  feel obliged to those devotees who are in association with him thinking that due to these devotees,  some of my time is being spent in sharing about the glories of God.  Kaakbhushandiji  said to Garudji -  "Maharaj !  I am most blessed that you have given me satsang"
Tumh bigyaanaroop nahin mohaa । Naath kinh mo par ati chohaa ॥
Poochihun Ram katha ati paavani ।   Sukh sankaadi sambhu an baavani   ॥

(to be continue)  
From book in Hindi "Jeevan ka Kartavya"   by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 

Date : 8th April, 2013  
(Sant aur unki Seva)

