|| Shree Hari ||
Unnati Dhan ke Aashrit Nahi Hai)

If you have money-wealth, then there will be tax on that money-wealth. If you have knowledge, then there will be tax on that knowledge. Therefore use these in serving others. The government will forcibly pull your ears, take the tax from you. But when it comes to "dharma", if you give with a good
feeling, then it will be taken, or else there will be a debt on you.
yatischrava pakvaannam swaaminaavubhou |
cha bhuktvaa chaandraayanam charet ||
Both a brahmachari (celibate, student) and a "sannyaasi"
(a recluse), a
renunciate, are entitled to participate and share in the cooked food. If food
has been prepared, then offer it to them. He who does not give them food and
eats it without offering, will need to do the "chaandrayan vrat" for an
entire month for purification. The simple act of not giving them food, leads
to such a sin. Is this any kind of justice, that we must feed those who are
not useful in the fields, nor in the store, nor in the business, and if we don't
feed them, we incur a sin? We have earned the money, we have cooked the food, we have done all the work that is involved, and they have not helped or
participated at all in any of the work, and then too, if we don't give them food, we incur a sin. How unfair is this ! What is the reason for this? Just as you are accumulating money, in the same way, the celibate student and the "sannyaasi" can be doing the same thing. "Brahmachaari" celibate student and the "sadhu," are also both educated. If they teach someone for an hour, can they not get bread? Whatever abilities you have, do they not have those abilities? If they start accumulating money, then it will come from you all only, where else can it come from, tell me? If they have not accumulated money and wealth, then that money has remained with you all only! Where else would it be? Therefore he who has not taken any money at all, has let all money remain with you all. At the very least, give them a meal when needed? If you do not give, it will be a sin. He who hoards money, that money is coming from the society, the world at large.
That much money is short in the society, in the world. But he who has not taken
any money at all, that money is left with who? tell me? It is with the people
in the society, in the world. All the beings that are born, their destiny is
determined at first, there after they get a body. For the sustenance of their
life, provisions for food, water etc. are determined ahead of time.
Therefore, somewhere or the other, the food is there for them. Somewhere out
there, water is there for them. Somewhere, the clothing etc. is out there for
them. If they are living, they have entitlement over some
food,water,clothing etc.If you have more food, water and clothing, than is essential for sustenance of this life, then they have a right over that food, water and clothing. Therefore if they come in front of you, give them what rightfully belongs to them.
(to be continued)
renunciate, are entitled to participate and share in the cooked food. If food
has been prepared, then offer it to them. He who does not give them food and
eats it without offering, will need to do the "chaandrayan vrat" for an
entire month for purification. The simple act of not giving them food, leads
to such a sin. Is this any kind of justice, that we must feed those who are
not useful in the fields, nor in the store, nor in the business, and if we don't
feed them, we incur a sin? We have earned the money, we have cooked the food, we have done all the work that is involved, and they have not helped or
participated at all in any of the work, and then too, if we don't give them food, we incur a sin. How unfair is this ! What is the reason for this? Just as you are accumulating money, in the same way, the celibate student and the "sannyaasi" can be doing the same thing. "Brahmachaari" celibate student and the "sadhu," are also both educated. If they teach someone for an hour, can they not get bread? Whatever abilities you have, do they not have those abilities? If they start accumulating money, then it will come from you all only, where else can it come from, tell me? If they have not accumulated money and wealth, then that money has remained with you all only! Where else would it be? Therefore he who has not taken any money at all, has let all money remain with you all. At the very least, give them a meal when needed? If you do not give, it will be a sin. He who hoards money, that money is coming from the society, the world at large.
That much money is short in the society, in the world. But he who has not taken
any money at all, that money is left with who? tell me? It is with the people
in the society, in the world. All the beings that are born, their destiny is
determined at first, there after they get a body. For the sustenance of their
life, provisions for food, water etc. are determined ahead of time.
Therefore, somewhere or the other, the food is there for them. Somewhere out
there, water is there for them. Somewhere, the clothing etc. is out there for
them. If they are living, they have entitlement over some
food,water,clothing etc.If you have more food, water and clothing, than is essential for sustenance of this life, then they have a right over that food, water and clothing. Therefore if they come in front of you, give them what rightfully belongs to them.
(to be continued)
From book in hindi "Vaastavik Sukh" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Date :7th March, 2013 – (Parmaarthik
Unnati Dhan ke Aashrit Nahi Hai)
Unnati Dhan ke Aashrit Nahi Hai)
ENGLISH: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net