|| Shree Hari ||
Unnati Dhan ke Aashrit Nahi Hai)
Unnati Dhan ke Aashrit Nahi Hai)

who does charity and engages in virtuous deeds, is very miserly, because, on
dying, he does not leave the money behind, rather he takes everything with him.
But he, who does not do charity and virtuous deeds, he is a great renunciate
(tyaagi). because, he leaves all wealth and possessions behind, and takes
nothing with him.
Those who are greedy for money are such renunciates !
who does charity and engages in virtuous deeds, is very miserly, because, on
dying, he does not leave the money behind, rather he takes everything with him.
But he, who does not do charity and virtuous deeds, he is a great renunciate
(tyaagi). because, he leaves all wealth and possessions behind, and takes
nothing with him.
Those who are greedy for money are such renunciates !
who thinks that serving the Guru, and exercising righteousness is dependent on
money, such individuals will be unable to understand what I am
who thinks that serving the Guru, and exercising righteousness is dependent on
money, such individuals will be unable to understand what I am
reason being that they are simply so preoccupied in money. In their mind,
intellect, and in their entire being, there is money and only money. What will
those poor souls understand? "maayako
majoor bbando kahaa jaane bandagi."
reason being that they are simply so preoccupied in money. In their mind,
intellect, and in their entire being, there is money and only money. What will
those poor souls understand? "maayako
majoor bbando kahaa jaane bandagi."
wealthy man came to a saint. He gifted the saint with a "dushaala". The saint
said, brother, I have no need for it, what will I do with it? The man said -
it will come to some use, Maharaj. The saint asked him, what is going on?
What is the reason you are insisting on giving this to me? Then the man said
- Maharaj, by giving you, I will get thousand in return to my account, for
this good deed. It is for this reason that I am giving you this "dushaala".
On listening to this, the saint said - it means that I will be in debt for a
thousand. Therefore, first and the foremost, you take this one back, now
what remains is a debt for 999 on me. On hearing this the man quietly took
the "dushaala" and left. To take one and in return if one has to give back a
thousand, who will take on such a large burden of debt? Those men who are in
the business of weighing the goods before selling and those men who take an
interest on loans, they too do not take so much in return. You
all have given the highest post to money only. While donating money, and while
doing charity and good deeds if the "bhaav" sentiments and feelings remains that
I want to take from the other person. Now such people who lack the
understanding, what is one to try to make them understand? All men have the
power that if they do not play favoritism, and with a true and sincere heart try
to understand, than, many great highly spiritual topics can be understood. That
much understanding God has given man. But man has put all his understanding
into money. Not just into money, but in the task of increasing his wealth.
Not just that, but he has taken his understanding and applied it to sins, and
to his cleverness, that in some way or the other let me cheat on my income tax
and sales tax. Let me cheat those that are my customers etc. All the
intelligence, it is all in all applied to increasing sins and spreading them.
The inner-sense have become grossly impure. Further more, the intelligence
and knowledge is applied to activities that lead to hell, to the 8.4 million
different forms of births, and to undergo suffering. People say - O' great!
He has become a millionaire. He must be very smart, he is a fully operational
"train". This "train" will continues to run, to operate (i.e. be born and
die and continue this cycle), that is it! now he will not get any rest. He
will not get salvation. But who will understand this point?
wealthy man came to a saint. He gifted the saint with a "dushaala". The saint
said, brother, I have no need for it, what will I do with it? The man said -
it will come to some use, Maharaj. The saint asked him, what is going on?
What is the reason you are insisting on giving this to me? Then the man said
- Maharaj, by giving you, I will get thousand in return to my account, for
this good deed. It is for this reason that I am giving you this "dushaala".
On listening to this, the saint said - it means that I will be in debt for a
thousand. Therefore, first and the foremost, you take this one back, now
what remains is a debt for 999 on me. On hearing this the man quietly took
the "dushaala" and left. To take one and in return if one has to give back a
thousand, who will take on such a large burden of debt? Those men who are in
the business of weighing the goods before selling and those men who take an
interest on loans, they too do not take so much in return. You
all have given the highest post to money only. While donating money, and while
doing charity and good deeds if the "bhaav" sentiments and feelings remains that
I want to take from the other person. Now such people who lack the
understanding, what is one to try to make them understand? All men have the
power that if they do not play favoritism, and with a true and sincere heart try
to understand, than, many great highly spiritual topics can be understood. That
much understanding God has given man. But man has put all his understanding
into money. Not just into money, but in the task of increasing his wealth.
Not just that, but he has taken his understanding and applied it to sins, and
to his cleverness, that in some way or the other let me cheat on my income tax
and sales tax. Let me cheat those that are my customers etc. All the
intelligence, it is all in all applied to increasing sins and spreading them.
The inner-sense have become grossly impure. Further more, the intelligence
and knowledge is applied to activities that lead to hell, to the 8.4 million
different forms of births, and to undergo suffering. People say - O' great!
He has become a millionaire. He must be very smart, he is a fully operational
"train". This "train" will continues to run, to operate (i.e. be born and
die and continue this cycle), that is it! now he will not get any rest. He
will not get salvation. But who will understand this point?
poorabiyo poorab des ko, maahri boli lakhe nahin koi |
poorabiyo poorab des ko, maahri boli lakhe nahin koi |
boli so lakhe, jo ghar poorabalo hoi ||
boli so lakhe, jo ghar poorabalo hoi ||
I live in the Eastern countries. No one understands what I say over here. Only he will understand my talks (language), who also is from the east. The eternal Essence (Paratmatma tattva) is "East". How can anyone living here, understand the talks of the East? He who is a slave to money, how can he understand spiritual talks? They say that the we can exercise righteousness (dharma) with use of money, satsang will be hosted by spending money, therefore whoever has the need, they should spend the money. If you want the milk of cows, then provide for the cow's food. If you do not want milk, then do not give food etc. to the cows. Similarly, if you want to listen to satsang, then put your money into making in available. Or else if you do not want to listen, then there is no need for anything. What need do the saints have? Without money your work does not take place, but for saints even without money, the saint's work goes on well. (to be continued)
From book in hindi "Vaastavik Sukh" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Date :5th March, 2013 – (Parmaarthik
Unnati Dhan ke Aashrit Nahi Hai)
Unnati Dhan ke Aashrit Nahi Hai)