|| Shree Hari ||
(Dhan Sangraha se Haani)

continued ......
I do
not say that you leave the money, throw it away or destroy it. But on having
that money, you still feel hard-pressed and do not buy even the essential
things. Wherever there is a need, there too, you are not spending, than what
use is that money? You must become cognizant, that if God has given it to you,
then that money must be used in the best possible work. While living, put the
money to use for yourself and for others. Being miserly, storing and increasing
the bank balance, then what will happen? Even when the best of best
opportunity presents itself, then too, you will have the feeling that if
someone else spends, then it will be better; If I don't have to spend then it
is a good thing. Gentlemen ! You all pay attention to what I am saying. When
you do some charitable work, and at that time if the feelings and sentiments are
that if someone else were to spend the money, it would be better, you will be
relieved, then what will you do with that money? Just as a business man thinks
that let me get the maximum number of goods now for a cheaper price, as the
market prices are about to rise. And in certain places the prices have already
gone up, but the goods are cheap over here. He therefore thinks it is a smart
decision to borrow money on interest, just to buy the maximum number of goods.
Just as there is a craving to buy, like wise, we do not feel the craving to
spend, on that which will go with us. The amount that is spent, putting it to
good use, that much, will go with you. Therefore one must have such craving
that let me be the one to put the money to use in the best of best work. Each
and every opportunity that arises, you must disclose that I will spend here.
Do not wait for your turn, as getting such an opportunity is very difficult.
founder and guiding force of Gita Press, Shri Jayadayalji Goendka had once said
the following - I do not find it difficult to earn money, but putting the money
to good use is difficult. Other brothers and friends bar the process, inner
greed also creates a bar, that what is the need to spend that much money? Just
spending a little bit should do. We do not think, about what we will do with
that money? If we die leaving it then upon death we will leave 10-20 thousand
lesser behind, that is all that will happened, what else will happen? It is
not that all will be spent, that you will become penniless. There will be no
virtuous deeds to your account. And the money that will be left behind, or that
will disappear in a split second, your inner senses will not become pure.
However, if you spend the money in the best of best work, then the inner
conscience will be joyful, you will gain merits, you will be satisfied that at
least that much money was put to good use ! Now, how to put the remaining money
to good use? We must think about that.
There is one exceptional point - In fact the significance is not of
the material things, but of its use. However many things that a person has, if
they are not utilized, then of what use are they? Just as I told you earlier,
that one man filled a box with gold and we have filled a box of stones. The
weight of both is the same. It is only on spending that the gold is more
substantial and great. But if it is not used, then what is the difference in the
weight of both the gold and stone? On putting to use, the gold appears a lot
more valuable, and the stone, not at all. But if you do not put it to use, and if you have with you either the
gold or the stone, then what difference? Yes ! Surely there is the difference, that when gold is with you,
there will be more fear that someone make take it away, and that you must not
let others know where it is! Due to worry and fear of being stolen, and having
inner turmoil what else will be the gain? Go deeply into what is being said
here, and silently, peacefully, and objectively, without any biases,
understand this well, in the proper perspective.
Gentlemen ! Time is going by very quickly, death is nearing !
One day the relationship with all objects within a split second will come to an
end. Therefore be very vigilant in use of your time and put the money to best
of best uses.