|| Shree Hari ||
(Dhan Sangraha se Haani)

is evident that when this body was born, then it was small, now it has become
big! It is not that it became big in any one particular year. Practically
every year it has changed. That which is changing every single year, is
changing every month. It is not that it has not changed for eleven months, and
it changes in the twelfth month. That which is changing every single month, is
changing every single day. It is not that it remains the same for twenty-nine
days, and on the 30-th day it changes. That which changes every single day, is
changing every single hour. Now pay attention, as the body is in the first
hour, it is not so in the second hour. If it were, then how would it change in
a day? That which is changing every hour, is not changing for fifty-nine
minutes and only changing the sixtieth minute – such is not the case. That
which is changing every minute, is changing every second. From this what is
proven? It is proven the body is changing and changing constantly. It is
changing and going where? It is going towards death; this point is without any
doubts whatsoever.
As long has we have lived, that much we have died! Now how much life remains
further ahead, that we do not know, but as many years that have passed by, that
many years our life-span has become lesser, the death has come that much closer
- in this there is no doubt. Life is going towards death. This body is
going towards non-existence. One day it will become entirely
non-existent. That which is existing (IS), will
one day become non-existing (NOT IS). But you desire that let me amass
material enjoyments and material objects; let me collect more money. This is
such a mistake.
Pay a little attention. To earn money and to put it to good use is
not a flaw, but this passion of wanting to accumulate and hoard money, that
itself is the weakness. This does not mean that one must not let any money accumulate.
It also does not mean that even on having a requirement, one does not spend.
To not spend for sister and daughter, Brahmin, some diseased person, a
hungry person, one without clothes and one who is poverty stricken is a
mistake. After all, what will you do on accumulating it? On having a need, if
you do not use it even for yourself, and you cannot spend it on other people as
well, then what use is that accumulated wealth? This body will not remain.
When this body becomes non-existent, then of what use will that money be?
If you are legally earning money, and putting it to use on essential
things, then you in your senses, if not, then in greed of money, one becomes
One develops so much attachment to money that once he accumulates in cash one
lakh rupees, then he does not wish to part with it, to let go of it.
Sometimes by mistake if a thousand or two are spent, then he feels very sad,
that I have spent from my capital! If the son spends it, then he gets angry on
him that "What kind of a man are you? If you eat from your base capital, then
how long will it last?" If there is shortage of food and clothes, then you will
tolerate it, but you will not spend out of your base capital, by which it will
remain untouched, safe, as-is. If you are asked what will you do with this
base capital? The body is leaving, death is nearing every single moment, what
use will this money be, lying safely untouched? (to be