|| Shree Hari
(Bhagwat Praapti ke liye Bhavishya ki Apeksha

the child stops playing and begins to cry, then mother has to leave all her work
and has to come to the child, and she has to make him sit in her lap and cuddle
him. However, if the child continues to keep playing, then the mother remains
unconcerned and at ease. In the same way, if we are not anxious and longing
for God and we remain happy and content with only worldly things, then God
remains at ease, and does not come to meet us. If the child constantly,
uncontrollably continues to cry, and is not comforted with anything else (toys
etc) except the mother, then all the members of the family are in favor of the
child and they say to the mother – "the child is crying and you are busy
working! To hell with all your work! Take the child immediately in your
lap." At that time, however important and essential work that the mother may
be doing, that work is insignificant compared to the crying of the child. In
this way, if we
begin to cry for only God, then all the saintly people in God's abode will be on
our side. They will all begin to say – "O' Lord! The child is crying, why are
you delaying in meeting him?" Then there will be no delay in God's arrival.
Yes! And when the child is also playing with toys and superficially crying and
making the sound "Oon Oon" then the mother does not take him in her lap. In
the same way, if we are also playing with the worldly toys, and also pretending
to cry, then God does not come. He looks at our inner sentiments and feelings,
not our actions. Honor-dishonor, pleasure-rest and relaxation,
wealth-possessions, accomplishments etc. are all worldly toys. Mother's lap, her love, toys etc, and everything is only for the
child. Similarly God's lap, his love and all the things that He possesses, is
all for the devotees. For God,
there is nothing greater than His devotee. If we do not become
pleased in any thing at all, and we call out to God then He will come
immediately. In this where is the question about future? The mother does not
come to a child seeing his merits and qualifications. She does not see whether
the child is beautiful, educated, wealthy etc. The child only has this one
qualification to call mother, and that is, he is fond of his mother and besides
the mother, there is no other thing that will please him.
relationship with God is self-sufficient and natural. Mind, intellect, senses,
body etc, and all things are constantly flowing away. We have no relationship
with these. Only God is ours. A child has no qualifications, no education, no
heroism etc, only he has the sentiments within that "Mother is mine" - such is
the feeling of mine-ness with mother. This sense of mine-ness,
has immense power, that can also attract and magnetically pull God towards
him. It is due to this that Prahlad was able to make God come out of
the Stone pillar -
Prem badoun prahlaadhiko, jin
paahante parameswaroo kaadhe || (Kavitaavali 127)
world is constantly separating from us. This body, this family, the
money-possessions etc. and all things that were not there before, and will not
remain later on. The visible is constantly turning into invisible. Any
object that has a life-span of 60 years, then if one year goes by, its remaining
life-span is 59 years; because it is constantly moving towards destruction.
We regard the worldly objects that will not remain with us as ours, and we do
not consider the One that will stay with us forever, God as our own. This is a
very big mistake. God is present right now and He is mine - if with become fixed and
unflinching on this point, if it gets deep-rooted in us, then God will be
realized at present. Only delay is in having a an intense thirst for God.
There is no delay in realizing God. According to your sentiments if you wish
you can attain God today, or in the future – after many years or after many
Narayan ! Narayan !! Narayan !!!
"Jivan Upyogi Kalyaan Maarg" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Date : 4th February 2013
(Bhagwat Praapti ke liye Bhavishya ki Apeksha
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