|| Shree Hari ||
(Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)
(Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)

In the Gita, God has explained and described Yoga of action (Karmayoga) and Yoga of knowledge (Jnanayoga) and has declared them equal to each other as far as their fruit goes -
"For one who is firmly established in either, gets the fruit of both (i.e. God Realization)." "ekamapyaasthitah sayagubhayorvindtephalam" (Gita 5/4)
In other words, if an aspirant gets established in either one of these spiritual practices, then he attains the fruit in the form of realizing God. The point is that if an aspirant becomes intensely and seriously engaged in any one spiritual practice then he will attain success and perfection in his discipline. In fact no method is small or big, if the objective is solely to achieve God-Realization. But those whose objective is to enjoy the pleasures of this world and increase their possessions, they cannot follow any spiritual discipline, neither Yoga of action (Karmayoga) nor Yoga of knowledge (Jnanayoga) nor the Yoga of meditation, nor can they follow the Yoga of devotion (Bhaktiyoga). They remain busy in hoarding and enjoyment of perishable objects, their sensual pleasures and possessions get destroyed but their attachment to pleasures and hoarding is not destroyed and it gives them birth and death again and again. The reason is, that the attachment to material things is the basic factor for their birth in higher and lower wombs. "Attachment to these modes is the cause of his birth in good and evil wombs" "Kaaranam gunasangosya sadasadhyonijanmasu" (Gita 13/21).
Salvation is possible only after the removal of this attachment. There are Jnanayoga, Yoga of meditation, Karmayoga, Yoga of devotion (Bhaktiyoga) etc., methods for eradicating this attachment. The aspirant should adopt any one of these methods, according to his taste, faith, reverence and ability to eradicate this attachment. In holy books, this attachment has been declared as the symbol of ignorance.
Raago lingambodhasya chittavyaayaamabhoomishu |
Kutah shaadvatasya yasyaagnh kotare taroh ||
The meaning of this is that the attraction of mind toward activities, objects and individuals, is the main sign of ignorance. For example if the root of a tree has caught fire, then that tree cannot remain green, it dries up; similarly one in whose heart there exists fire in the form of attachment, he cannot remain in peace, he cannot progress. The attraction for worldly objects, self respect, appreciation from others, comfort, etc., is the cause of downfall. The attraction towards worldly pleasures is the kind that leads to the cycle of birth and death and the attraction (love) towards God is the kind that leads to salvation.
The sentient and the insentient - both are the natures of God, therefore one should offer them as a gift to God and one should not consider them his own. He should neither presume the physical body as his own, nor the subtle body as his own, nor the causal body as his own. The self, being a part of God, also does not belong to oneself; therefore offer (surrender) one's own-self also to God.
Yoga of action (Karmayoga) and Yoga of knowledge (Jnanayoga) - both these are worldly courses -
Loksesminvividhaa nishthaa pura proktaa mayaanagha |
Gyaanyogena saankhyaanaam karmayogen yoginaam || (Gita 3/3)
"Arjuna, in this world two course of spiritual disciplines have been enunciated by Me. In the case of Saankhyayoga, the practice proceeds along the path of knowledge, whereas in the case of Karmayoga, it proceeds along the path of action."
Karmayoga and Jnanayoga - both are called "Laukika" (of this world) while in Bhaktiyoga, a devotee totally depends on God, so this is called "Alaukika" (transcendental), it is not of a man. In Bhaktiyoga, God is the means and He is the end. So it has been declared in Srimad Bhagwat 11/3/31, that devotion is born of devotion. Listening to scriptures, loud chant of the holy name, thinking of God, service to His feet, worship, prostration, the sentiment of service, the sentiment of friendship and self surrender – this devotion of nine kinds is the means. And further ahead, those who devote themselves to the Lord, their love oriented devotion is the goal (end, God) in which the devotee remains absorbed in God. That love and affection oriented devotion is the final goal of the Yoga of action (Karmayoga) and Yoga of knowledge (Jnanayoga). This devotion of God (end) is the highest achievable element (wisdom) and we have to achieve that alone. (to be continued)
Date : 29th November, 2012 (Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)
From book "Discovery of Truth and Immortality" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Ram Ram