|| Shree Hari ||
(Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)
(Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)

In Gita, God has described his two types of Natures, lower (insentient); higher (sentient). Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, reason and ego - these eight form the lower Nature and other than this is the embodied soul (higher Nature), by which the whole universe is sustained, (Gita 7/4-5). God is the Master of both the Natures. The lower Nature is a physical element while the higher Nature is a spiritual element. So there are two types of spiritual disciplines - physical i.e. Discipline of action (Karmayoga) and spiritual i.e. Yoga of Knowledge (Jnanayoga). But the discipline which is pertaining to God Who is the Master of both the sentient and the insentient is the theistic discipline i.e the Discipline of devotion (Bhakiyoga).
The lower Nature has been called perishable (kshar), the higher Nature has been called imperishable (akshar) and the Master of both these Natures has been described as the Supreme Person (Gita 15/16-18) . Yoga of action (Karmayoga) is the discipline of the perishable and Jnanayoga is the discipline of the imperishable (akshar) and Bhaktiyoga is the discipline of the Supreme Person (Purshottam). Therefore Yoga of action (Karmayoga) and Jnanayoga - these two are the means (saadhan) while Bhaktiyoga is an end (saadhya).
The Lord says to Arjuna, "I shall describe My aggregate form, knowing that nothing remains unknown "Vakshyaamyasheshatah" (Gita 7/2).
"I shall unfold to you in entirety this wisdom" (Gita 7/2).
"And by knowing that wisdom nothing else shall remain for you to know." "yazgyaatvaa neha bhoooyonyazgyaatavyamavashishyate" (Gita 7/2)
The Lord declares - "mattah parataran naanyatkinchiddasti dhananjaya" (Gita 7/7).
"There is nothing else besides Me, Arjuna, no cause or effect in the least of this world."
When there is no object except the aggregate, then what knowledge can remain to be known? The knowledge of that aggregate God is the complete wisdom. In Jnanayoga one attains knowledge of a part (ansh) of God, but in Bhaktiyoga one attains the knowledge of entire God. Yoga of action, Yoga of knowledge, meditational Yoga, eight-fold Yoga, rhythmic Yoga, Raja Yoga etc., all forms of Yoga come under the knowledge of the aggregate. But of all the Yogis, the best Yogi is he who worships God with love and faith.
Yoginaamapi sarvesham madgatenaantraatmanaa |
Shraddhavaanbhajate yo maam sa me yukttamo matah || (Gita 6/47)
"Among all the Yogis, he who devoutly worships Me, with his mind focused on Me, is considered by Me to be the best Yogi."
"Mayyaveshya mano ye maam nityayuktaa upaasate |
Shraddhyayaa parayopetaaste me yukttamaa mataah || (Gita 12/2)
"I consider them to be the best, who endowed with supreme faith and ever united through meditation with Me, worships Me, with mind centred on Me." (Gita 12/2)
In this way God has declared devotion as the best method of worship.
Date : 28th November, 2012 (Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)
From book "Discovery of Truth and Immortality" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Ram Ram