Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Selfless Service - An Easy Discipline for Realization

Selfless Service - An Easy Discipline for Realization
 (Kalyaan ka Sugam Saadhan - Karmayog)

Shree Hari
"Karma" (act of doing) has a relationship with the world (inert), and "yog" (union) has a relationship with the Self (conscious element). Therefore actions (karma), are for the world, and "yog" is for our self. In Karmayog (Discipline of Action), it is essential to altogether renounce the sense of mine (mamta), desires (kaamana) and infatuation (aasakti) towards actions, the instruments for performing actions and the fruit of actions . On renouncing desires and fascination for actions, and only doing actions for the benefit of the world, the relationship with the world will be severed and God Realization will take place. Therefore God says that any other action (i.e. any actions performed for one's self), besides right actions (i.e. only those actions that are performed for the welfare of others), are all binding -

Yagyaarthaatkarmanyatra lokoyam karmabandhanah (Gita 3/9)

The relationship of action is with "par" (that which is external to one's self), not with the "swa" self. By doing work for one's self, man gets bound. In other words, he develops a relationship with the world; because no actions take place by the "self." All actions take place in nature. On establishing a relationship with nature, the actions taking place in nature, are alleged and assumed to be taking place in one's self.

In reality, not even for a single moment can any man, in any state (waking, dream, sleep, deep sleep, even trance), stay without performing actions. Coming under the influence of the modes of nature, all men become bound by actions. Therefore, it is in man's nature to feel pressured to act. That pressure is not quietened by stubbornly renouncing actions by the self, or for one's self. To do things for the welfare of others without a motive, the strong urge to want to constantly do something, is quietened. It is only by doing things without a motive that this wanting to do "veg" is stilled. "aarurukshormuneryogam karma kaaranamuchyate" (Gita 6/3). In other words, the contemplative soul, who desires to attain to the height of Karmayoga (in the form of equanimity), action without motive, is said to be the means. For the same person when he masters Yoga, serenity (tranquility of mind) is said to be the means, to God realization. From this perspective, the practice of karmayog is easy and it essential for all, to attain Realization.

Human body is for performing one's duty (karmayoni). Actions are performed in the human body and its fruits are enjoyed or suffered in various other forms of birth. Therefore, there is a predominance of intellect in the human body. The proper use of the intellect is to attain one's salvation and to give happiness to others, and to serve them. To enjoy pleasures, to hoard, and become pleased on attaining favorable situation and displeased on attaining unfavorable is the improper use of the intellect. Only this human body is for fulfilling one's duty. Enjoyment of pleasures or to become happy-sad on attaining favorable and unfavorable takes place in animals, birds and other forms of births, where there is no question of fulfilling one's duty. Performing such actions, whereby only the world's welfare is sought is itself karmayog. (to be continued)

From book in hindi "Kalyaan Path" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Ram Ram

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.
FOR MESSAGE IN HINDI PLEASE VISIT Date : 27th Jun, 2012 " Kalyaan ka Sugam Saadhan - Karmayog "
