How to Renounce Desires?
Deheeti vachanam shrutvaa dehaasthaah panchdevataah |
Mukhaannirgatya gacchanti dheehreeshreedhrutikirtayah ||
By asking for something, the intellect, shame, grace, composure, and character are destroyed. Whatever we have - take it brothers - When the sentiments are one of giving, then God appears in front of us.
Desire for worldly things, is an obstacle in not beholding God. God is near everyone, he is closer than close for all. You believe that – "I am" (I exist). This "I" is distant, and closer than I is God. This "I am" is with reference to this body. One does not have to apply "I-ness" in God. Therefore He is extremely close to us. Why is He not beheld? Due to desires for inert objects, the sight only remains outward, therefore God is not seen. Where the outwardly sight moves aside, there God immediately manifests Himself. "sahib paaya tin ole" - Saints are surprised that God is present even in the shelter of a blade of grass. What is a blade of grass?
"nihspruhasya trnam jagat". The entire world is like a blade of grass. The moment you leave the desire for this grass in the form of the world, God is beheld. Bulls that draw the water from the well, their viewing is restrained by blinders on either sides. Day and night, and their entire life, they keep walking with a limited vision; but they remain there and there only. In the same way, by placing the lid of worldly desires, one remains in the same place, there and there only. Take birth, die, take birth again, die again, in this manner, how can this vicious cycle come to an end? Brother! On leaving desire for those perishable objects, the unborn element will appear in front of you. You will be greatly benefited. On desiring the perishables, day and night, what will you gain? Nothing will be gained, besides suffering and losses. Then too day and night you are going after these things. What an irony this is?
One boy went to Kashi to study. His family members said to the teacher - "Maharaj! How far has our son completed his studies? The teacher said the son has completed his studies. He is only lacking in two areas, other than that, he has completed everything. The two areas are - he does not have the intelligence and he does not listen to others. This is the same state we all are facing. We don't comprehend the total message and we do not accept what others share with us, this is our shortfall. Either you yourself get to know, or accept what a knowledgeable or learned person says. Saints have said - "chaakh-chaakh sab chaadiyaa maayaa ras khaaraa ho." After much tasting all the relish of all worldly illusive powers are brakish. Now accept what they say. After seeing, eating-drinking for so many days, what did you get? You have seen for yourself after indulging for so long. Twenty-thirty-fifty-seventy years have gone by. Now watch this entertainment too; test it out for yourself. You will be greatly benefited. With a true heart, give up desiring and see. Paramatma is present as-is, always, every where. You are a "ansh" part of Paramatma (God). But who will see from within? By only seeing the outwardly and external things, how can you see the Lord that resides within your heart? It is not that if you have not seen Lord for so long, that now I will not be seen.
Don't see the world for six months, stay in a cave, but the day you wish to see the Sun, that very same day the Sun will be seen. It is not that you have not seen the Sun for six months, then the Sun will minimally not be seen for six months.
(to be continued)
From book "Kalyaankaari Pravachan – Part 2" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.