Thursday, August 25, 2011

On Murti Puja (Idolatory) in the Gita

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Jaya Ekadashi vrat,  Guruvar , Vikram Samvat 2068

Question – Previously, Kabirji and a few other saints criticized idolatory, Why? 
Answer -  Saints and great souls manifest and reveal themselves according to the need of the hour and perform actions accordingly.  When many fights broke out between the followers of the Siva and those following Vishnu,  at that time Tulsidasji Maharaj composed the Ramcharitmanasa, by which the fights between the two came to an end.  Many have written different commentaries on the Gita.  As according to the need of the hour, the great souls received that particular inspiration in their hearts, and accordingly the commentaries were written. When the Baudha religion (Buddhism) was spreading by leaps and bounds, at that time Sankaracharya revealed Himself and propagated Sanatana Dharma.  Similarly when the Muslims ruled over India and the temples as well as, idols were destroyed by them the saints such as Kabirji and other saints declared,  "We need neither temples, nor idolatry because our God does not reside only in temples and idols but He pervades everywhere." In fact the intent of these saints was not to criticize idolatry but they meant to direct the people towards God. 
Question – Nowadays the times are not as they were before, the Muslims are not destroying the temples and idols. Then too why do the followers of a certain sect criticize idolatry and worship of God endowed with form? 
Answer -  To criticize any one is to have insistence on your own sect and ways; because those who criticize other sects (their beliefs and opinions), do not want to realize the essence of the Supreme Consciousness (Paramatmatattva) , they do not want their own salvation, rather they want their individual form of worship, they want to expand their sect's numbers, they want to propagate their sect and organization.  Believers in such sects and groups will not realize God.  Those who have insistence of their own sect, organizations and groups, they are of certain system of opinions, doctrines, religious, philosophical persuasions and such people's talks are not worth believing and accepting - 
People who have insistence on their own sect, belief systems and opinions, cannot know the Essence (tattva).   (Manas 1/115/4)
Those who believe in the attributeless, formless God, criticize the worship of deities, then as such they are belittling their All Pervading One, because from their beliefs and opinions, that formless God does not pervade at the places where there are idols.  In other words, their formless God is in certain space only (not everywhere).   If they accepted the formless God even in the idol, then why would they criticize the one endowed with form?  Secondly,  those who worship the formless, believe that God is neither endowed with form, nor does he incarnate (as an avatar);  it means that their Omnipotent, Almighty God, is incapable to (incarnate) and to be endowed with form, in other words, that Paramatma is not Almighty.    But in fact Paramatma is not so.  "He is being (manifested) and non-being (unmanifested)  (Gita 9/19).  So instead of getting entangled about His form etc., we should worship Him according to our own belief.  
We must think that do we want our salvation, or do we want to engage in controversies and arguments about formless-with form etc.?  If according to our interest and inclination, if we utilize our time in worship of either God endowed with form or The Formless then it will lead to spiritual progress. 
"Tere bhaave jo karo bhalo burou sansaar |
"Narayan" tu baithike aapnou bhuvan buhaar ||
But if we insist on fighting then there are many mundane affairs in this world pertaining to wealth and property etc.,  which people can fight over.  But after pursuing the spiritual path,  why must we induce fights? Why should we unnecessarily waste our time and energy in condemning and criticizing the ways of worship of other sects? Rather, while we are engaged in worship, how did we find the time to criticize other people's faith?   The amount of time we wasted in insulting and blaming other sects and their ways of worship, that much time if we followed our own spiritual path with faith, reverence and devotion then we would be greatly benefited.        
   (to be continued)   

From book in Hindi "Gita Darpan"  pg 31 by Swami Ramsukhdasji