Thursday, August 25, 2011

On Murti Puja (Idolatory) in the Gita - 6

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi,   Jaya Ekadashi vrat , Guruvar, Vikram Samvat 2068
Question:  Why should we do murti puja (worship idols)?  What is the need of Murti Puja (idolatry?     (continued)
Answer:  (continued)  He who is a believer in God, even though he may restrain himself from worship of idols, but regardless, worship of idols takes place through him.  Now how is that?  He believes and follows the ordinances of the Vedas, then that too is worship of idols as Vedas too (being written book) are idols only.  Revering the Vedas is a form of idol worship only.  Similarly reverence and service to the preceptor (guru), to parents and guest etc., to serve them with food, water, clothing etc is a form of idol worship.  Their bodies are insentient but by revering their bodies, they too are being revered, by which they are pleased.   The point is that man wherever, whoever, in which ever form he respects and reveres, it is all worship of idols.  If man worships the idol with deep sentiments, then that worship is God's worship only. 
There was a recluse who lived under an umbrella and worshiped an idol of Lord Visnu made of black stone (Shaligram). Some people who did not believe in idol worship, they did not like this Babaji's form of worship.  They complained about him to Mr.  Hook an English Officer, hat he was insulting the all-pervading God by worshiping this black stone idol.  Mr. Hook angrily ordered the recluse to leave that place for good. The next day the recluse made a statue of Mr. Hook and began to beat it with his shoe by demonstrating in front of the people and calling the statue of Mr.  Hook an idiot.  This incident was brought to the attention of Mr. Hook.  He again called the recluse and asked him why he was insulting him in that way. The recluse replied that he did not insult him at all but he was insulting this foolish statue of his. After saying this he kicked the statue with his shoes.  Mr. Hook said that insulting my statue, is insulting me only.  The recluse said, that you are not in this statue (i.e. idol)  at all, then too even simply for name sake you are so very much affected.  Our God is in all space, time, things, etc;  Thus he who with faith worships God in an idol, then is this revering God or not?  Hearing his reasoning,  Mr. Hook said to the recluse, that he could go to his place and worship the idol free as he wished. 
Question -  Some people eat or drink forbidden things such as meat or beer etc. in the temple premises or nearby.  Why does God not prevent them from doing so? 
Answer – Children play mischievous games in front of their parents;  but parents don't punish them because they think that children are our very own, out of ignorance and innocent they are not aware.  Similarly God also thinks that they are my very own ignorant children.  Therefore God's sight does not go towards our behavior at all.  But those who eat or drink forbidden food and perform forbidden actions in the temple premises, they will have to suffer for their misdeeds.
   (to be continued)   

From book in Hindi "Gita Darpan"  pg 31 by Swami Ramsukhdasji