Beholding God Everywhere
If there is a hungry man at home then you give him lentils, grains, sweets, puri (Indian bread) etc. You can make anything and give him, but you cannot give him hunger. That hunger should be one's own. On there being a deep and intense yearning for God Realization, there should be no reason for delay. You are ready to see, and God is ready to see, then where is the cause for delay?
God Realization is extremely easy! So easy, that no other work is that easy. Ease-difficulty, effortlessness-complexity, this is only where you have to put effort, to do something. Or if there is distance from the object that is to be acquired, then effort is required to get to it. Where there is nothing to be done, in that what is easy and what is difficult? What is complex and what is simple? How is God so easily attainable? Now let us think over this.
This verily are the words of Lord Krishna -
Bahunaam Janmanaamante gyaanvaanmaam prapadyante |
Vasudevah Sarvamiti sa mahatma sudurlabhah ||
(Gita 7/19)
In the very last of all births i.e. in this human form, when a man of wisdom (jnani) takes refuge in Me, realizing that everything is God, such a great soul (mahatma) is very rare, indeed. (Gita 7/19)
The point is man, animals, birds, trees, pole, building, land, clothes, etc., whatever is seen, heard and thought about by man, that all in all is God. Besides God, there is nothing else, not in the least bit. Accept this point right now, at present !
It is God's own words -
Matah parataram naanyat kinchidasti dhananjaya |
Mayi sarvamidam protam sootre maniganaa iva ||
(Gita 7/7)
"O' Arjuna, of this world there is no other cause higher than Me. As yarn beads are strung on the thread, so all the worlds are permeated by Me. (Gita 7/7)
to be continued......
From "Sab Jagah Ishvar Roop Hai" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji