|| ShriHari ||
God Can Be Attained Assuredly Today
Really speaking, you have no ardent desire for attaining God. None whatsoever. If you attend holy assemblage (satsang), then you will definitely gain from it. As much as you attend satsang and contemplate on what has been heard, you will definitely gain from it - there is no doubt about this. But God will not be attained quickly. It may take many births, and then only God will be attained. But if there is ardent desire to attain God, then God will have to appear. He is every moment eager and ready to see you. If He does not see the one who loves Him, then whom else would He see? Therefore call out to him with a true and pure heart saying "Hey Naath! Hey mere Naath!" O Lord! O My Beloved Lord !"
When a devotee invokes God with a true and sincere heart, his invocation reaches the ears of God and He has to appear. If a devotee prays heartily to God, He has to appear. No one can stop God from coming. What else would be attained except God by he who does not desire anything except God i.e. by him who does not have desire for living, dying, respect, honor, money, or family ? Whether you are sinful or virtuous, literate or illiterate, God doesn't look at these things. He simply takes into consideration your true aspiration.
"Rahit ne Prabhu chit shook kiye ki,
karat surati sai baar hiye ki"
(Manas, Baal. 29:3)
"The Lord does not remember the mistakes committed by a devotee in the past! God is such that He thinks a hundred times of the devotional love in the heart of the devotee." (Manasa, Baal. 29:3)
to be continued.......
Ram Ram
From book "All is God" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
God-Realization is Axiomatic