Sunday, June 25, 2017

|| ShriHari ||


God Can Be Attained Assuredly Today  


If a four-five year old child fights with his mother, then it is the child that wins, as the mother becomes softened and utterly helpless. In worldly struggles, only he wins who is more powerful, but in the struggle of love, he who has the most love, is defeated.   The child says to the mother, I will not come in your lap. But the mother out of her concern for him says - Please come! Please come to me my child !

This affection in the mother has really emanated from God Himself. God also is in need of the devotee.  The world is not so much in need of a devotee as God is. The child is not so much in need of the mother as the mother is of the child. The child while breast-feeding bites the mother, then too the mother does not get angry. If she were to get angry, would the child be able to live? The mother showers her mercy upon the child. Similarly, God is our mother for infinite births. He cannot abandon and neglect His devotees. He considers the devotees as His crest jewel.

"mein toh hu Bhagatan ko daas,
bhagat mere mukutmani."  
‘I am only the servant of the devotee and the devotee is my crest-jewel’

The Lord ever remains ready to provide gain and security to His devotees. Just as the child can’t part company with the mother and the mother cannot live without the child, so also,  God cannot stay without His devotees, and the devotees cannot stay without God.

Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!!

Ram Ram 

From book  "All is God"  by Swami Ramsukhdasji