Wednesday, June 24, 2015

|| Shree Hari ||

Why is God Not Visible ?   

Questioner: Why is Paramatma (God) not visible?

Swamiji: The main obstacle in not seeing Paramatma is that we know 
that the world is perishing every moment but still we consider it as 

One saint was standing near a river; someone said that "Maharajji, 
look the river is flowing! Saint replied that as the river is 
flowing similarly the people on the bridge are also flowing and this 
pool is also flowing. How? The day this pool was constructed, is it 
as new as it was on the first day ? That newness has gone away and 
oldness has come in. When it is entirely old, it will fall down. In 
reality, the day it was created that day itself the bridge began to 
perish and towards falling. Similarly, we are also flowing. Whatever 
life has passed by, we have died for that many years and are 
continuing to die every second. In this manner, this world is 
perishing every second and you accept it as `Is'. This is the reason 
that God which `IS' is not seen. By accepting `NOT' as `IS', you 
have placed a barrier in seeing God.

Accept this very firmly that the world is continuously flowing. If 
not able to accept it firmly then think over it again and again 
that `Oh this world is flowing'. There is one principle that 
whatever is not there in beginning and in the end, it is also not 
there in the middle i.e. at present. And whatever is there in 
beginning and end, it is present in the middle as well i.e. now. 
When this world was not there, at that time also God was present and 
when this world will be destroyed, then also God will be present. 
World was not there before, will not be there in future, so even 
though visible right now, it is not existing. Even though it is 
seen in the interim, it is constantly going towards `NOT' (non-
existence). Like our childhood went into `NOT' (non-existence), 
similarly our youth will also go in to `NOT' (non-existence), our 
old age will also go into `NOT' (non-existence), life will also go 
in `NOT' (non-existence). The mistake we make is that even though 
knowing that the world is `NOT' (non-existence), we accept it 
as `IS' (existence). 

Who is called ignorant? One who knows about a particular thing, but 
he does not accept it, his name is ignorant. No one considers wall 
as ignorant, because it doesn't know anything. One who knows and 
accepts what he knows accordingly, he is called wise.

Questioner: Maharajji, by chanting the name of Ram, will praarabdh 
(destiny) be wiped out ? Sins committed knowingly-unknowingly, will 
they be erased?

Swamiji: Yes, it will be erased. The thing which I just said, all 
sins are erased if you accept that God IS and world IS NOT - by 
accepting this firmly and chanting Lord's name your work will be 
done very quickly. If you accept world as IS, then even chanting for 
years will not lead to perfection. Name-chanting will not go waste; 
but its fruit will not be visible now. 

God IS - We accept this by hearing the scriptures, saints. But world 
is perishing every second - this is clearly visible. If we accept 
that whatever is visible, that world is NOT, then we will be 
enlightened with knowledge of the world. If we accept the world 
as `Is' then we have not known this world. By knowing the world, God 
will be known and by knowing God, the world will be known.

World is going towards non-existence, towards destruction - this 
awareness should always be there. This is a very good spiritual 
practice (saadhan). Everything is going - by giving attention to 
this fact, chant Lord's name. This body, senses, mind, intellect, 
this tongue, this chanting, they all are going, but He whose name is 
being chanted, He never ever goes. His name alone is being chanted, 
He alone is being remembered.

Ram Ram

From "Saadhan, Sudhaa, Sindhu" in Hindi page 688 by Swami 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

|| Shree Hari ||

Sure Steps for the Salvation of Mankind   

Human Beings are naturally detached - "Asangho hyum Purusha" Rather by not accepting a personal relation with any individual or thing, man can experience this detachment. On experiencing this detachment, man becomes a Jnani (man of wisdom). 

This embodied Soul, is exclusively a part of God - "Mameva Ansho Jeevaloke." Gita 15:7. Being a part of God, only God is our very own. Besides God, no one else is ours. In this manner, one accepts a feeling of mine-ness with God, and in turn becomes a devotee of God. 

When a man follows spiritual injunctions, maintains equanimity, gains knowledge of Truth and Consciousness, becomes a devotee of God, his salvation is certain. There is not much difficulty in this, because man's essential nature is flawless, desireless, detached and the Self (I, Soul, Atman) is a part of God. Therefore it is a spiritual aspirant's duty to take these four points and firmly accept them. They are - 1) I am nothing, 2) I desire nothing, 3) I have no relation with anyone, and 4) Only God is my very own. Thereafter a man's salvation is certain. 

Ram Ram 

From "Kalyaan ka nischit upaai" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

|| Shree Hari ||

What is Real Progress ?  
वास्तविक उन्नति किसमें ?

Man wishes to acquire the thing that he does not have in his possession right now.    He regards his progress in acquisition of that thing.   Firstly, to gain pleasure that he does not have,  and secondly to acquire money that he does not have. In this way, he thinks that he will be supremely benefited if he gets the thing that he does not have !   In this manner,  he thinks that on acquiring the thing that he does not have,  he will be most pleased ! But if he acquired the thing that he does not have at present, then later too, it may not remain - this too is true.   However much of money you get,  it will not remain with you forever.   Either the money will go away, or he will die,  or both will be destroyed.  That which was not there at first,  will later on also not remain.    Man desires such things, and after accumulating those things, he thinks that he has progressed a lot.   My mother and father were ordinary people,  but we have millions -  we have achieved immense progress !  Thinking so, he develops pride.   In fact,  if seen,  this is extreme foolishness,  not just ordinary foolishness.   

All contact born pleasures, are the cause of sorrow ‒‘ये हि संस्पर्शजा भोगा दुःखयोनय एव ते ।’ (गीता ५ । २२) There is no other cause of sorrow.   Arjun asked  -  Maharaj,  who is it that makes a man commit sins ?   To this God answered -  It is ‘Desires’ -  ‘Kaam esh’ ‘काम एषः’ (गीता ३ । ३७) in other words, to desire that which is not in our possession.   May I get money,  may I get name and fame,  may I receive praise and honor,  may I remain free of disease,  may I receive rest and relaxation,  etc.   such desires are the root of all sins and sorrows.    On desiring those things which appear and are later destroyed, one will have to undergo suffering.  Not even Brahmaji can be saved from this.   One simply will have to suffer and commit sins on desiring sense pleasures (pleasures born of contact).   One gets a little pleasure at the time of contact (association),  but before and after,  there is sorrow and only sorrow.    The body becomes bad,  and it goes to hell, it goes into 8.4 million wombs.  In this manner, further ahead there is sorrow and only sorrow.    

I have said this many times that the moment one desires a thing,  then at moment that desire goes away,  there is pleasure,   but man thinks that it is due to getting the thing that he desires,  that he has gained pleasure.    If it were that one gained pleasure on acquiring a thing, then on having that thing one would not be experiencing any pain.   Therefore in fact, the pain and sorrow is not from getting or not getting the thing,  the pain is from wanting that thing.   On getting rid of that desire,  one experiences pleasure.  If that desire went away, once and for all,  then there will be nothing but joy !   
  (to be continued)

    From book in Hindi  ‒‘Tatvik Pravachan” by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Monday, June 15, 2015

Shree Hari

The Final Discourse
(Antim Pravachan)

Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram
Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram

Ten years ago, early morning after Aashad Krishna Ekadashi day (as per English calendar at 3:40 a.m. on 3rd July 2005), Swami Ramsukhdasji left his mortal body and merged into God.

Let us live our lives in accordance with his principles and ensure that they never die. As Swamiji once said - The best service (Param Seva) to a saint is to live your life as per his principles and thus become like him. We all can do this best service for him. Let us.

Swamiji - The jewel in God's crown. He shall always remain alive in our hearts through his immortal teachings.

Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram
Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram



One excellent, very easy, very straight forward point. That is - Do not have any desires of any sort, whatsoever. Neither of Paramatma (God), nor of Self (Atma), nor of the World, nor of Salvation, nor of Benediction, have no desires at all and be silent. Be still !  Because Paramatma is present in all places, in the form of stillness. If there is no want, no desire of any sort, then Paramatma can be realized instantly, Self-Realization can take place, perfection and complete fulfillment is attainable !

This is everyone's experience that some desires are fulfilled and others are not. It is not a rule that all desires will be fulfilled. The fulfillment of all desires is not in our hands, but it is in our hands to give up desires. When no more wishes, no more desires remain, then you will be naturally situated in Paramatma. You will have the realization (experiential knowledge) of God. No wants, nothing to do, no place to go, no place to arrive, nothing to study, nothing to practice, that is all there is - only these simple points.  In just these few words, everything has been said entirely ! It is due to desiring something that we experience bondage in this world. On leaving these desires completely, once and for all, one becomes naturally, situated in Paramatma (God),  who is present everywhere, in entirety.

In all your activities remain neutral and impartial. Have no attachment (likes) and aversion (dislikes).
"Tulasi mamata Ram so, samtaah sab sansaar
Raag ne rosh ne dosh dukh, daas bhaye bhav paa." (Dohaavali 94)

There are actions and there are objects. Both these are in Nature (Prakriti). While discontinuing relationship with objects and actions, become dependent on only Paramatma (God). Take refuge in only God,  That is It. You are already naturally situated in God.

In a dream a lady's child was lost.  She was deeply distressed and grieving. But when she woke up from her sleep, she saw that her child is sleeping right next to her - The point of this message is that wherever you are, there Paramatma (God) IS completely and entirely. Wherever you are, there itself be still !!

From last discourse in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji on June 29th, 2005 at Gita Bhavan, Swargashram, Rishikesh, India, where Swamiji last resided.


Question:  Yesterday you said that have no wants.  Leave desires and become silent, of these two,  which one is more beneficial?  

Swamiji -   I am God's,  God is mine, I am no one elses,  and no one else is mine.  Accept this.  Becoming free of desires and becoming silent -  both these are the same.  Let there be no desire at all,  neither of sense enjoyments, nor of liberation,  nor of love, nor of devotion, nor anything else.  

Questioner -  One is not to desire, but if some work needs to take place then?  

Swamiji -  Do the work with great enthusiasm,  do it round the clock,  but don't have any want.  Understand this point properly.  Serve others, try to remove their sorrows, but in return do not want anything from them. Serve them,  and then become silent.  If working somewhere, take the wages, but do not desire anything. 

The main point is that wherever you are, there itself is God.  If you desire nothing, then you will be situated in only God.   When all is God only, then what is there to desire?    It is due to desiring the world, that we are in the world.  When there is no desire, then we are situated in God 

Discourse by Swami Ramsukhdasji, on June 30th,   2005, approximately 11  am at Gita Bhavan, Rishikesh, India

Saturday, June 13, 2015

|| Shree Hari ||
Cow is the Mother of the World
(Gaavo Vishwasya Maatarah)


Question ‒ When all the ‘devatas’  reside in a cow,  then why is it that cow’s are being allowed to be slaughtered ?  

Answer ‒  The residing of the ‘devatas’  in a cow has been said from the perspective of purity.   The meaning of this is not that the ‘devatas’  are residing in their manifest form in the cow.    Just as there is fire in a match stick,  but if the match stick were to be kept in a cotton ball,  it would not burn up the cotton;   because the fire is in its unmanifest,  formless form in the match stick.    God resides in the heart of all beings, then too beings die;   because God remains in his untainted,  unmanifest form.  In the same way,  all the ‘devatas’ are residing in a cow’s body in their unmanifest, unattached form.    Just as God is present in the heart of all beings, means that the heart is pure and it is a place for attaining God.  In the same way,  the ‘devatas’  are present in a cow’s body, means, that a cow is extremely pure, and serving and worshiping her, will be as good as serving, worship and adoration of all the devatas.    

Question ‒ What are the benefits of serving a cow ?  

Answer ‒ Just as by serving God,  all the three worlds are being served,  in the same way, when one serves a cow without any selfish motive,  one serves the entire world;  because the cow is the mother of the world.   By serving the cow, there are gains in both, worldly, as well as, spiritual matters By serving the cow,  all the four efforts are accomplished - ‘artha, dharma, kaam, and moksha’ (wealth,  religious,  worldly desires and liberation).   The entire Raghu dynasty was also functions by serving cows.    

Question ‒ What must be done for the protection of cows ?    

Answer ‒  For the protection, cows must be kept in our homes and they must be looked after and provided for.   One must only consume cow’s milk and ‘ghee’,  not buffaloes.    Goshala must be formed only with the intent of protecting the cows,  not with the intent of getting milk.   The extent of land that is available for grazing cows,  that land must be protected.  Efforts must be made to release land that is designated for cow grazing that is taken up by the government or encroached on by others.   One must strongly opposed the government laws on slaughtering cows,  and one must only vote for he who promises with his full heart and effort to completely ban the slaughtering of cows in the entire country.   

those gentlemen who are tending to fields,  should not sell cows, calves, or bulls etc.    A cow or a mother is not something that is for sale.   As long as a cow produces milk and gives birth to calves,  and a bull works, till then they are kept.  When they become old,  then they are sold away -  this is so so ungrateful,  such a sinful point !     Gandhiji has written in the “Navjeevan’  newspaper that ‘the amount of grass that a old bull eats, that much cow-dung and cow urine he produces, in other words,  he pays for his own living expenses.’  

    From book in Hindi  ‒‘Kisaan aur Gai” by Swami Ramsukhdasji

|| Shree Hari ||
Cow is the Mother of the World
(Gaavo Vishwasya Maatarah)


There are all sorts of benefits in protecting cows -  this point can only be understood by Bharat (India), the heart of Dharma (righteousness) .  Other countries cannot understand this;  because they do not have a deep understanding of religious and spiritual talks,  they do not have such an intellect, and they do not have such scriptures and holy texts.   Those who are influenced by foreign civilization,   foreign etiquette and culture,  and those who are caught up in worldly glitz and dazzle,  they too cannot understand the greatness of cows.   They do not obey the words of the Rishis and contemplative sages,   and they themselves even do not know ! The sages and contemplative souls, the kings and great kings, those who are the protectors of Dharma,  they have gone through a lot of difficulty to protect the cows,  then are they all lacking in understanding? Has understanding come to people only now  ?

Question ‒ Why has the feeling of the protecting cows, reduced among people  ?

Answer ‒  Many western medicines are made from cow’s heart, cow’s meat, cow’s blood, etc.   By consuming those medicines, cow’s meat, blood,  and a portion of the cow has gone into people’s stomachs,  by which their intellect becomes tainted and impure,  and their belief and feelings towards cows has diminished.   

People earn money by committing sins and they buy and eat food with that very same money,  then how can their intellect be pure,  and without the intellect being pure, how will things that are for his own welfare appear good to him ?

Due to too much selfishness,  man’s intellect becomes degenerated,  it becomes ‘taamsik’  (of the mode of ignorance), thereafter even a good thing appears contrary to him [*]   Nowadays man has become very selfish,  due to which the feeling of protecting cows has become very less.  

In trading of cow’s meat,  leather etc.  it appears that there is a lot of money in this business.   Man due to greed for money,  only looks towards the money,  but not towards the destruction of the entire breed of cows.  He does not look towards what will be the end result and what will be our condition later on,   he does not look towards the horrific hell that he will have to face,   how much torment and torture he will have to undergo ‒  He simply does not look towards this at all !   It means that by looking at instant gains,  and not looking towards the future, due to greed,  his ability to think becomes blunt,  it gets suppressed.   Due to greed,  he simply cannot think about his real and supreme good.   

to be continued….
    From book in Hindi  ‒‘Kisaan aur Gai” by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Friday, June 12, 2015

|| Shree Hari ||
Cow is the Mother of the World
(Gaavo Vishwasya Maatarah)


Nowadays gas is produced from cow-dung.   With that gas,  even electricity can be produced,  which is being utilized in many places.   After the gas is removed from the cow-dung,  the cow-dung looses it’s power,  and it becomes a good candidate to be used as fertilizer for the fields.   

Many poisons like arsenic,  etc.  can be purified with cow’s urine. Even gold, silver, and various precious metals etc.,  are all purified with cow’s urine.    When making cinder,  mental is heated and thereafter cooled off in oil, cow’s buttermilk, and cow’s urine to purify them.     

A young calf’s urine,  if consumed daily, approximate quantity - 1 to 2, will get rid of all stomach ailments.   In liver disease too,  taking ow’s urine, is very beneficial.  One saint had asthama.   Daily he began to take the cow urine of a young calf,  his disease was reduced significantly.     If there is pain in the chest,  then taking cow urine in a pot, one should heat it.   Place an iron sieve over it, and on top of it place a cloth or old cotton ball.   When that cloth or cotton becomes warm then use it like a heating pad, to give सेक to your heart.   With this the pain will go away.  By bathing with cow’s urine,  itching of the body will go away.  

‒ In this manner,  various diseases can be cured with cow’s urine.

Question ‒ What is the benefit of protecting the Cows ?

Answer ‒ By protecting cows,  men, devata, ghosts and spirits,  animals-birds, trees-grass etc.  all are protected.   There is no movable-immovable creature on earth,  that does not get its nourishment from the cow.    Cow is able to accomplish,  all the four - ‘Arth, Dharma, Kaama, Moksha’  (Wealth, Righteousness, Desires and Liberation),  in this world and in the world beyond and save one from the clutches of hell.   

History and the Puranas are filled with stories of those who sacrificed their lives for the protection of cows.   It is a very sad thing that today in our country,  due to greed for money,  thousands of cows are being killed daily !  If cows will continue to be killed like this , then there will come a time when our heritage of cows will become extinct.  When cows will not remain,  then what will be the state of the country ?   What troubles will come -  no one has even imagined the state of affairs.   When cows will become extinct,  and there will not be any oil left in the earth to drill,  then how will the fields be plowed ?   With there being no means to plough the fields,  how will grains and cotton be produced ?   For the sustenance of the body,  people need food,  water, and clothes,  and that too will be difficult to get.    I have seen in the villages in Rajasthan,  that first water used to be drawn from the wells with the aid of bulls.   Then with the introduction of electricity,   they began to use electricity to draw out the water,  and the bulls were all sold away.   Now when there is shortage of electricity and electricity stops, then even the water cannot be drawn, and people are suffering !  this is most evidently seen.   

to be continued….
    From book in Hindi  ‒‘Kisaan aur Gai” by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Thursday, June 11, 2015

|| Shree Hari ||
Cow is the Mother of the World
(Gaavo Vishwasya Maatarah)


Question ‒ One can also use buffalo and camels for farming,  then why do we need cows-bulls ?   

Answer ‒ The extent to which the bull is prevalent in farming, that much, there are no other animals.  Farming can also take place with the use of buffaloes,  but the amount of work that a bull can do,   that much a buffalo cannot do.   Buffaloes have strength,  but they cannot tolerate sun heat.   When they walk in the sun,  they hang their tongues out.   Whereas,  a bull,  continues to march forward even when the sun is beating down hard.   The reason being,  the buffalo does not have ‘sattvik’  strength.   Whereas the bulls have pure ‘sattvik’ energy.   There are even fewer buffaloes than bulls. Fields can also be ploughed with camels, but the camels are even fewer than the buffaloes and they are very expensive.    Not every farmer can afford to buy a camel.    Nowadays due to many great young bulls being killed in large quantities, the bulls have also become very expensive, then too, they are not as expensive as the camels.    If cows are kept in people’s yards,  then they can give birth to bulls,  and one does not have to buy them from elsewhere.   The bulls from foreign cows are not very useful in the fields;  because they do not have a hump,  therefore one cannot place a  yoke over them.  Bulls from India can even tolerate extreme heat.  In reality,  the animal that is from a particular country, that animal can be of great use in that country itself.   Therefore,  we must preserve, aid and breed the cows of our country.   They should be protected in an exceptional way.   

The tractors are not able to till the land properly like the bulls.   In appearance it seems as if with tractors and with the fertilizers the farming is  speedier,  but in spite of being faster, it is not superior.   The crop that is grown by tilling the land with the use of bulls is very pure.   The grains that are grown by using cow dung and urine as fertilizer,  is very sacred, pure, and free of any blemishes.     

There is a very close association between the cows and the fields.   A cow is nourished by the grass that grows in the fields and the cow dung and the cow urine nourish the fields.  By applying foreign soil, fertilizer and compost,  in a few years the land loses its capacity to produce.  But with cow dung and cow urine,  the land’s power of producing remains as it is.  Therefore in olden days,  there was no system of adding compost and fertilizer to the fields and for hundreds of years the fields used to produce grains.   In  foreign countries many fields have been destroyed from use of fertilizers,  and for their rejuvenation, cow dung is being used.  

Question ‒ What is the importance and greatness of cow’s milk  ?

Answer   No other animal’s milk is as  ‘sattvik’ as that of a cow.  Cow’s milk is pure “sattvik’.   The cows in our country are very pure and benign,  therefore their milk is also very pure.   Drinking this milk, one’s intellect becomes sharp and nature remains benign and peaceful.   Foreign cows produce more milk,  but the milk is not so ‘sattvik’ and they have a lot of anger.  Therefore by drinking their milk, man’s nature too becomes violent.    There is less clarified butter (ghee) in foreign cows,  and they eat a lot more.  

to be continued….
    From book in Hindi  ‒‘Kisaan aur Gai” by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

|| Shree Hari ||
Cow is the Mother of the World
(Gaavo Vishwasya Maatarah)


Question ‒  Rainfall is due to sacrificial offerings into the fire (Agni Ahuti) or is it from abiding in one’s duty?  

Answer ‒ Sacrificial offering (yagya, hom),  charity,  austerities, etc.  and all actions come under the realm of abiding in one’s duty.    Even Gita has regarded sacrificial offering (Yagya) etc. to be within the realm of performing one’s dutiful actions.  If man follows his duty, then the Sun, Varun, Wind and various other devatas too will abide in their own duties and they will rain etc. in a timely manner.   

Question ‒ In foreign countries,  sacrificial offerings etc.  do not take place,  then why do the ‘devatas’  bestow rainfall etc.  over there ?

Answer ‒ In countries where there are no cows,  or those countries that do not perform sacrificial offerings (yagya) etc.,   there too they are surely abiding in their own duties.  When the people in these countries are doing their duty,  then the ‘devatas’  also perform their duty,  in other words, they make the rain fall etc.  over there.   

Question ‒  With the use of tractors and various other equipment,  the field is plowed and harvested etc., then what is the need for cows-bulls ?   

Answer ‒ Scientists have said that right now the speed with which the oil reserves are being consumed,  if it continues to do so at this speed,  then in 20 some years, the oil reserves etc.  will be exhausted.  There will not be any more oil left.   When there is no oil,  then how will these equipment be operated ?    At that time, only the cows and bulls will be useful.  

Question ‒  If there is no oil,  then in its place there will be some new discoveries and inventions, then what is the need for cows ?

Answer ‒ Whether there are new inventions or not, but the thing that is presently in our hands,  why should we destroy it ?  That which is not presently in our hand,  that is dependent on the future, relying on it, and destroying what you currently have is not  intelligence and prudence.   Just as, with the hope of a child while pregnant,  to kill a child that is adopted is not wisdom,   rather it is a grave mistake.  It is foolishness,  it is outrageous sin,  it is grave injustice.   The succession of cows will go on for ages  but the succession of inventions and whether it will also carry on is not a certainty ?  If a world war breaks out,  then will the inventory remain protected ?  You have moved your foot away from behind and in front there is no place to place your feet, then what will be your state ?  Therefore,  one should not destroy cows, having the notion that there will be a supply of cows in the future, rather one must make every effort to protect the cows.    The more the number of methods for producing,  that much the better.  What can be gained from their destruction ?    If there are new inventions and discoveries later on, then too a cow will not be useless.   Cow’s dung and cow’s urine are used for  curing several diseases.   There is no soil fertilizer as good as one made from cow dung.    There is no milk like cow’s milk.  One simply cannot relay all the benefits and gains from products made of cow’s milk.

to be continued….
    From book in Hindi  ‒‘Kisaan aur Gai” by Swami Ramsukhdasji