Wednesday, September 25, 2013

||  Shri Hari  ||
Uninterrupted Spiritual Practice
(Akhand Saadhan)

This point is very beautiful.   The two questions that have come -  one that how can there be uninterrupted spiritual practice?   and second,  that what is the nature of spiritual practice (saadhan), goal (saadhya, God) and spiritual aspirant (saadhya),  How can they become one, how can  they come together ?  These two together are one question only.   One question that came is that I am God’s and God is mine -  this appears to be a new point,  how are we to understand this?  Both these questions are of the same type and their answer is one only.   
In fact,  the point that is not understood by an aspirant is -  “I am God’s and God is mine.”  The main reason for not understanding is the feeling of “mine-ness,” a close affinity with the body is extremely tenacious and persistent.  Due to the oneness (deep affinity) with the body being so tenacious,  this point is not understood that “I am God’s and God is mine”.   In fact, “self” has no relationship with the body.  It is only assumed and accepted.  ‒ “Ahamkaar vimoodhaatma kartaamiti manyate,” ‘अहंकार विमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते ।’  This belief (affinity with the body) has become so fixed and unyielding, that it began to appear as real.   The affinity with the body appears genuinely real and fixed, due to sense of oneness with the body being unyielding.      But when such an unyielding feeling sets in that “I am God’s and God is mine” then this point does not remain.   In fact, the “self” does not have a oneness with the body,  and if we think a little bit more, then this point can come in everyone’s experience that at first we did not have any affinity or link  with this body and bodily relationships.  Approximately ninety or hundred years prior to this day, those of you that are sitting here,  of them none had any relationship with the present body,  then how could there have been an affinity with the bodily relationships ?   And hundred years from now,  there will be no relationship with this body, then how can affinity with the bodily relationships  remain? With this thought,  every brother and sister can understand this point.   Understand with a firm conviction  ‒‘आदावन्ते च यन्नास्ति वर्तमानेऽपि तत्तथा ।’  It is a principle-  that which does not remain in the beginning and end, is not there in the present as well, and in the present also is that alone which was there in the beginning and the end.    This body and bodily relationships were not there at first, and will not remain in the end,  therefore at present too they are not there.   When we have no affinity with the body, then who do we have an affinity with? Our affinity is with the Lord!  In reality our real  affinity and relationship is with God.  The affinity with the  body and family members is assumed, but relationship with the Lord is self-evident.
The root cause of a belief  is lack of awareness,  and this lack of awareness does not come, it is proven that it was originally present, i.e. that its coming does not take place, going can be possible.   Now if someone asks some person, that “do you know the french language?”  He will say “No I don’t know”  Then you ask,  “Since when?”   Then such a question itself cannot arise.  Therefore Vedanta believes, ignorance or lack of knowing to be “anaadi”   (since time immemorial)  Thus ignorance is without a beginning.  Then too you ask the question, that we want to know this with certainty that where did this ignorance come from?   Its real answer has already be given, but then too if you ask, then the answer is that “this ignorance came from the time when you assumed those things that do not belong to you as your very own.”  To this the question is, why did we assume those things that are not ours as our own?   One reason for this is ignorance. Therefore, this assumption (belief) is the work of ignorance.  The second point is “We believed in getting to know the Truth, the divinity “tattva”, but we forgot this Essence, and comfortably rested accepting the body and bodily relationships as ours.    

From Book in Hindi "Ekai Saadhe Sab Sadhe" by Swami Ramsukhdasji  

Date : 22nd September, 2013 -  
(Vividh Roopon mein Bhagwaan)