|| Shri Hari ||
How to be Free from Bondage ?
(बन्धन कैसे छूटे ?)
People hold the opinion that
bondage is eternal and they can attain salvation by being free from this
bondage. But in fact this is an error of judgement. Had there been bondage,
none could have been emancipated because the real never ceases to be. The Lord
himself declares “The real never ceases to be” (Gita 2/16). Had bondage been
real, it would have not ceased to exist. It seems to
exist like the face in the looking
glass. Similarly the worldly entities such as body, family, property and riches
etc., appear to be yours because you regard them as yours. But were they yours
a hundred years ago and will they remain yours after a hundred years? So they
were neither yours nor will remain yours. At present also they are decaying all
the time. So can that which is perishing be existent? You have committed an
error by regarding the unreal as real. If you renounce this misconception,
emancipation (salvation) is self-evident. Therefore bondage is merely assumed.
While emancipation is axiomatic and there is no delay in it.
If you have a conviction that you
can’t by free from bondage, then you won’t be because you (self) are a part of
God. If you have accepted it, you yourself will have to reject it. If you think
that salvation is far away from you, how can it be attained quickly? In fact
there was no bondage in the past, nor will be in future nor is at present while
you were emancipated in the past, will be in future and are also at present.
Everyone loves his mother. But do
you love her as much today as you did in the past?
This is an example (sample) of the
worldly love. In business first you see the sample shows the quality of the
commodity. Now you love your wife, sons, money and property and are attracted
towards them while in childhood you loved your mother the most, you were
attracted towards her and could not live
without her. This sample is the
touch-stone of the worldly love and attraction. It means that all the worldly
affection or attraction is short-lived.
Listener - Sir our affection has
changed from parents to wife, from wife to sons, from sons to grandsons.
Swamiji - Then why do you
entertain new affection? Your old affection is leaving you and thus you are
being emancipated.
Listener - We don’t want to
entertain new affection yet it so happens.
Swamiji - If you don’t want to
entertain it, do I force you to do so? Who
forces you? Don’t entertain the
new one, the old one will perish. Are you not emancipated from childhood and
boyhood? In fact emancipation is self-evident and natural while bondage is
artificial and man-made. If you don’t entertain it, it will be renounced. An
easy method to be free from bondage is to fulfill the just and righteous desire
of your kith and kin which are within your power and resources, without
expecting even the just fruit. Thus by rendering service to others without
expecting any service from them, you will be emancipated. But if you expect
others to serve you, you will be deprived of emancipation and they will not
serve you.
If you expect service from others,
they don’t serve you. But if you don’t expect them to serve you, they serve
you. So you are not at a loss. You want to give money, food and clothes etc.,
to a sage who does not want to take them. But do you want to give to a thief or
a robber or a pick-pocket who want to take them? You will not be at a loss
without having any desire. You honor and praise those who don’t want to be
honored and praised. Then why do you want to be indigent by having desire? (to
be continued)
From book in English "Ease of
God Realization" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Date : 24th May, 2013 -
(बन्धन कैसे छूटे ?)
ENGLISH: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net
HINDI : http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org