Monday, May 20, 2013

Discrimination between the Real and the Unreal

|| Shri Hari ||

Discrimination between the Real and the Unreal

(सत्‌-असत्‌का विवेक)



The reason being that a country, time and thing etc., are unreal, ever changing and perishable but the real exists, ever remains the same. In it there is never the slightest change, there occurs no deficiency of any kind. Therefore the truth is always existing. However much we may discard the eternal reality (God), we may neglect it to any extent, we may disregard and dishonour that truth to any extent, we may criticize and reject that Supreme Truth on many logical and critical grounds, but in fact, the absence of that existential reality is not at all possible. No one can ever destroy the eternal truth - `vinaashavyayasyaasya na kakshitkartumhanti` (Gita 2/17).

The meaning of the words `ubhayorapi drusthah` means that `No one can ever exhaust and destroy the supreme existence`. The great souls (seers) have themselves not created the ultimate reality but they have perceived it.

The conclusion is that the experiencers of the Supreme Truth and the unreal world are the saints who have attained salvation during their lifetime and they only see one existential element which means they experience the one, automatic and all pervading existence. the one which alone `is` Therefore there does not exist the non real world, while there is not the dearth of reality.

All this proves that the unreal does not exist while the real only exists.


The unreal has its disunion from the self, while the real is ever attained to the self. By recognizing the existence of unreal, there occurs two divisions namely that which is attained and one which is not attained. If the existence of non-real is not recognized, then there is neither the separation from the unreal nor union with the real, but there remains only the real existence (sat). In other words so long as there is the acceptability of the unreal, there is discrimination but when there is no unreal then there remains only the real -

`ubhayorpidruthontstvanayostattvadarshibhih` - In this term `ubhayorapi` there is discrimination while in the term `anth` there is Self-realization i.e. discrimination is transformed into self-realization, and only the real entity remains. Just as the day and night are relative terms, similarly the unreal and the real are both distinctly separate. Just as the day cannot become night and the night cannot become the day, similarly the real existence cannot become unreal and the unreal cannot become the real existence. In reality, both are identical and one. Just as day and night both are relative, the night exists in relation to day and the day exists in relation to night, but in the Sun there exists neither the day, nor the night it is absolute light. Similarly the true existence and the unreal world both are relative terms but the divine reality is absolute. Therefore, the great men and saints, who have attained the real existence, perceive only one reality i.e. the absolute reality (God).

From book in Hindi "Amartaa ki Aur" and in English "Discovery of Immortality and Truth" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Date : 15th May, 2013 -