Thursday, April 18, 2013

Work, Service and Worship

||  Shri Hari  ||
Work, Service and Worship

    (Karma, Seva aur Puja)

If one sees subservience, then it is seen due to pride. One must not have pride.  If someone says to us,  "Do this !" Let there is great joy in this!  And if we do as we are told, then there remains no responsibility on us.   There is no trouble whatsoever for us.  The moment someone says, do this!  and you do it!  Now tell me!  Does there appear to be the slightest bit of subservience in this?   There is no dependence, subordination in this at all.   It is due to pride that is appears as subservience.  We feel great freedom, great independence in this.  
The moment one says something, the work gets done, that is it!   There is no responsibility on us,  not in the least bit;  not before, not at the present moment,  nor later on.  “Why did you do like this?”   “You told me, therefore I did it.”  Due to pride one does not understand this point.   There is great joy in this, isn’t it !   Now raise any doubts you may have !  Oh Brother!   It is a simple, straight-forward point.  What is so sophisticated and abstruse in this speech?

It is the pride that has to do something.   The pride that has come within, it pricks,  it does not let you do, you feel bad.   Ride the bicycle,  it will move around in a circle,  it will go straight ahead,  make it stand then it will stand, get off it, then you are off,  climb onto it, then climb on.   Ride it forward then backward, then forward and backward.   Why are you riding like this time and again, back and forth?  Does the bicycle say so  ?   It is the master’s wish to go ahead, to not go,  to move in circles, to stand still. 

Ride it as it suits you, what have we got to do with it?   See!  it appears burdensome when one does not have respect for the one who instructs, there is lack of reverence for them.  But if there is reverence for them, then if they say anything, then one feels so very pleased, there is no words to describe the
joy!   They never say anything to me, they have done so today, what a joyful moment  this is!  If you did it on your own, then it would not be so beneficial.   As soon as they instruct, saying, "DO THIS !" Oh ho!  I am so fortunate, there is great joy that comes; however one must feel reverence and fondness for the one who gives instructions.

There is three types of work (actions) - one is work (chore),  one is to serve and one is to worship.  Work can be done even by a servant.  However when there is the feeling of servitude, he is serving, even though it may be the same work that is being done by a servant, at the time he serves.  Now, if he follows
someone’s instructions, if he feels deep fondness for the other person, just as if  he were verily God Himself, feeling of Godliness, and when the revered person says - Do this!, then what great joy you will experience in this!  This is worship.   That very same work becomes worship, when there is fond feelings in your heart, thinking “I am most fortunate to be serving my father.”   Life will be a success, time will be paid off,  things have been fructified,  that these have been utilized well in their service, then this will become worship.  When there is much reverence for the person, then it is worship and devotion,  when there is less reverence, then it is service and  when one works for money (salary) or for selfish means,  then it is work - this is the difference, and all is due to one’s inner sentiments and feelings.   The more the sentiments of renunciation,  that
much more those feeling are superior and great.   Renunciation of desires on our part and reverence and worship of the other -  these two are very important points. 

In Gita Chapter 7 and 9, I find these two points to be very important.  In the seventh chapter “kaamaistaistairhrtagyaanaah,”  due to desires and in the ninth chapter “na tu maambhijaananti tattvenaataschyavanti te”  (Gita 9/24), it is due to not knowing Me that they fall down.   Therefore, if one has the feeling of divinity (presence of God) and selfishness is renounced, then he will be liberated. There is no bondage whatsoever.  There is only two types of bondage -  one is of objects and one is of actions.  One is of work and one is of wanting to acquire wealth.   Whoever has infatuation and attachment to these two,  whoever is fond of these two, he cannot have interest in spiritual matters. 
From book in Hindi “Bhagwat Praapti Sahaj Hai”   by Swami Ramsukhdasji. 



Date : 11th April, 2013    
(Karma, Seva aur Puja)

