|| Shri Hari ||

The relish for sense enjoyments can never be satisfied. It will eventually quieten down. Fulfillment of relish is not possible. As you continue to enjoy sense pleasures, accumulate money, relish for it will continue to increase -
"Jimi Pratilaabh lobh adhikaayi".
Na jaatu kaamah kaamanaamupabhogen shaamyati |
havishaa krishnavatrmeva bhooya evaabhivardhate ||
(Srimad Bhagwat 9/19/14)
By the enjoyment of sense objects, the relish is not quietened. If you continue to gradually add "ghee" (clarified butter) in the fire, then will the fire die down? No, it will increase even more. In the same way, relish for sense enjoyments and hoarding continues to go on increasing. In the end, you will have to leave everything and die. This relish you have for honor - respect, name-fame, hoping that people may think good of you, think you to be great and high up there, getting comfort, pleasure, and others are behaving favorable towards you, these are all very deadly. They are lethal for an aspirant. There is not even the slightest bit of benefit in this, rather there is great loss.
It is not at all so that the relish does not go away. If the relish were to not go
away, then it would not go away for anything. To date, no one's relish has
been fulfilled, but the relish of many have been wiped out "Bahavo
gyaanatapasaa poota madbhaavamaagataah" Gita 4/90. In
history, there have been thousands, who have been able to overcome their relish, but you will not find a single man who was able to satisfy his relish. That which can never be fulfilled, then for you what is the harm in leaving it?
away, then it would not go away for anything. To date, no one's relish has
been fulfilled, but the relish of many have been wiped out "Bahavo
gyaanatapasaa poota madbhaavamaagataah" Gita 4/90. In
history, there have been thousands, who have been able to overcome their relish, but you will not find a single man who was able to satisfy his relish. That which can never be fulfilled, then for you what is the harm in leaving it?
Questioner - Maharajji, the interests and relish we had in childhood, those have died. But till childhood, those interests did remain.
Swamiji - The childhood relish and interest will not change, whether you become old or not. The object changed, the place changed, but the relish and interest that was there before, still remained, it did not go away. Now if you get rid of it, then it cannot last. If you try to hold on to it, then it will not go away. If you hold on to it, then even Brahmaji does not have the power to get rid of it. Many great saints and great souls, liberated great men too cannot get rid of your relish. If you get rid of it then it will go away. If you do not leave it then how will they make you leave it? If you so desire then it can go away; and if it does not go away, then pray, cry, say to God that this is not going away, then by God's grace, it will go away. The main point is that you do not even think about leaving it.
There is one exceptional point that there is great importance to renouncing worldly relish, it is not even as important to imbibe good qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, generosity etc. The spiritual practice of renouncing, it is even greater than one of doing something, but people give little attention to it. By renouncing the evil, the good (actions that should be done) happens on its own. One does not have pride in the spiritual practice that takes place on its own.
Gita has expressed that a man who has relish for pleasures is a constant enemy of the Jnaani
(Viveki) - "jnaanino nityavairinaam" (Gita 3/39). An ignorant man sees pleasure in sense enjoyments. But the moment relish for pleasure arises in a "jnaani,"
he understands that this is the kind that will lead to his destruction. It
will never be fulfilled. This is a fire, fire - "dushpoorenaanalena cha"!
There will be great loss due to this. Therefore gentlemen! minimally do at
least that much that do not perform any action coming under the sway of relish for pleasure. Coming under the sway of sense pleasures, if you continue to act,
(Viveki) - "jnaanino nityavairinaam" (Gita 3/39). An ignorant man sees pleasure in sense enjoyments. But the moment relish for pleasure arises in a "jnaani,"
he understands that this is the kind that will lead to his destruction. It
will never be fulfilled. This is a fire, fire - "dushpoorenaanalena cha"!
There will be great loss due to this. Therefore gentlemen! minimally do at
least that much that do not perform any action coming under the sway of relish for pleasure. Coming under the sway of sense pleasures, if you continue to act,
then it is the kind that will never go away. It will not go away even after
thousand, lakhs, crore, ten crore life-times.
thousand, lakhs, crore, ten crore life-times.
However much you may study, even if you become a great scholar and orator, however many books you write, however great and famous you become, but as long as there is relish for contact born pleasures, till then there will not be peace. This relish for pleasure, will surely lead to your downfall. As much harm that is taking place, all is happening due to it. All the groaners and moaners, the sufferers, the ones that are crying, undergoing a lot of suffering, screaming, lying in hell, in the 8.4 million wombs, are all the fruits of relish for enjoyment. As long as this relish remains, you will not experience any kind of peace. Therefore have mercy, destroy this relish. If you are not able to do it, then pray to God that Oh Lord! may this relish be wiped out once and for all!
If the interest to get rid of the relish in pleasures is awakened within, in other words, if you develop a firm determination that I want to get rid of this, then it will go away.
From book in Hindi "Nitya Yog ki Praapti" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Date : 26th March,
(Anitya Sukh ki Ruchi Mitaaneki
ENGLISH: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net
HINDI : http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org