|| Shree Hari
(Satsang Sunneki Vidya)

There is also an Art of Listening to Satsang. If you put
that knowledge to use, then you will benefit immensely from Satsang. If
someone learns the Art of Listening to Satsang, then he can become a
great scholar ! By studying one cannot become as learned a scholar, as he can become
from Satsang (association with holy company, association with Truth).
The kind of education and study that takes place in Satsang,
does not take place through study of holy books and scriptures. Through study
of holy books and scriptures one can gain knowledge about one subject, but
through Satsang one can gain all sorts of knowledge both spiritual and
practical. One who engages in Satsang, will be familiar with various
subjects – bhakityog (discipline of devotion), jnanayog
(discipline of knowledge), karmayog (discipline of action),
Layayog (yoga of rhythmic unison) , Hathayog (austere discipline of
body etc., Ashtaangayog
(the eight fold path of yoga as outlined by Patanjali: Yama,
Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi). Not just
even the subjects he has not heard in Satsang, even on those subjects
his intellect is sharp and working. Just as, if one has not heard anything
about marriage in Satsang, but even there the intellect of those who do
Satsang will be effective. It is my feeling that if anyone listens to
Satsang properly or if he properly studies the Gita, then it will
not be possible that his intellect will not be able to make a way into any
subject. Whatever subject he chooses, in that subject too, his intellect
will begin to work. Therefore one should listen to Satsang
conscientiously and attentively.
He who
does all work conscientiously and thoughtfully by engaging the mind, he alone
can listen to satsang attentively. When
you cook, then cook conscientiously by applying your total attention and mind.
When you eat, then eat, paying special attention. When you take a bath etc.
then be alert, and fully attentive in that activity. By doing so, you will
develop a nature of doing every thing attentively and thoughtfully. That nature
will also be useful in spiritual path, by which your mind will remain engaged
in satsang, bhajan (prayer and devotion), dhyaan (meditation)
etc. Therefore, do not think that only bhajan and dhyana have to
be done attentively, and other work does not have to be done attentively. All
work has to be done attentively by engaging the mind, by which the work will
also be great and one's nature will also improve. As such there is not that
much gain from improving ones work, as there is in improving one's
"swabhaav" – (nature, temperament, habit). By improving one's
"swabhaav", one will gain knowledge of doing every type of
It is a very surprising thing that the work that is done daily over
years, that too one is not able to do properly. Just like women become old
raising their children all their lives, but the children do not even know how to
eat ! The children when given a lot of food at one time, eat a little bit and
throw away the rest. But if they are served a little food at a time, then they
will eat well. In the same way, the speaker often does not know how to speak and
the listener often does not know how to listen. The reason for this is that it
is not their swabhaav (nature) of doing every activity attentively and
thoughtfully. (to be continued)
"Jit Dekhu Tit Tu" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Date : 23rd January 2013 (Satsang Sunneki Vidya)
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