|| Shree Hari ||
(Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)
(Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)

"Sva" has two meanings –self and one's own. The self is also "sva" and one who is one's own is also "Sva". God being a devotee's very own is therefore "svakeeya" as in one's own. There is special independence, freedom from worries in the dependence on "Sva" one's own. Just as a child is not sub-servient to his mother because his mother is not foreign to the child, rather by being his very own, she is his. For the child the dependence on his mother is superior to his own dependence because the betterment and safety of the child lies more under the dependence of the mother than under his own dependence. In the dependence on his mother there is no responsibility on the child, therefore he is more carefree and safe. He cannot see towards his betterment as much as his mother can. Therefore God says in the Ramayana, "O saint, listen, depend on Me without depending on anyone else just as the mother protects her child."
Sunu muni tohi kahaoo saharosaa | Bhajahin je mohi taji sakal bharosaa ||
Saraoo sadaa tinha kai rakhavaari | jimi baalak raakhayi mahataari || (Manasa, Aranya. 43/2)
Seem ki chaampi sakayi kouu taasu | bad rakhvaar ramaapati jaasu || (Manasa, Bala. 126/4)
The self is the ansh (portion, part) of God and it is imperishable."
Mamaivaansho jeevaloke" (Gita 15/7)
"Ishvar ansh jeeva avinaasi" (Manasa, Uttara. 117/1)
By being a part, a fraction (ansh) of God, we are God's and God is ours; therefore dependence on Him is not "dependence on any other". One who has not reached the depth of this understanding of this "essence" (tattva), he alone feels that there is dependence in devotion. In fact, he has presumed God to be other than his own and has accepted the existence of many other entity! Other (foreign, different) is that which goes on changing, while one's own self is that which never changes. The body changes but the self never changes. The entire world changes but God does not change. To be dependent on that God is real independence. Our oneness is with God and the oneness of our body is with the world. We and God are one, and the body and the world are one. We and God are imperishable, while the body and the world are perishable. There is dependence by having relationship with the perishable and there is independence by establishing relationship with the imperishable.
Meerabai has said - "Mere to Giridhar Gopal doosero na koyi." "There is none to whom I can say as mine except Gopala (God)." Similarly only God is ours, no one else is ours. This body which we so call as ours, is not ours but it is also others. There is our continuous dissociation with the body and the world and there is our eternal union with God. Therefore our relation with this world can never remain and our relationship with God can never get dissociated. Karmayogi and Yogi of wisdom (Jnanyogi) - both are alone but the devotee is with God. Not to accept one's relationship with body, object, activity and changeable things etc., and to become dissociated and detached from them means to be alone. The Yogi of action (Karmayogi) becomes detached by renunciation (by employing the things of the world for the world only) and the Yogi of wisdom (Jnanayogi) becomes detached by discrimination (by separating himself from the world). "I am God's and God is mine" - to live with God in this way is called Yoga of devotion (Bhaktiyoga). Karmayogis and Jnanayogis are detached from the world but the devotee (Bhaktiyogi) loves God. Love is unique in comparison with dissociation.
The bliss which is attained by love is not attained by detachment (salvation). Karmayogis and Jnanayogis themselves attain salvation. "Uddharedaatmanaatmaanam" (Gita 6/5), "te praanuvanti maameva sarvabhootahiterataah" (Gita 12/4), but God Himself leads a devotee to salvation. God says "teshaamaham samuddhartaa" (Gita 12/7). Therefore, of all the spiritual means devotion (Bhakti) is unique "bhakti sutantra sakal sukh shaani" (Manasa, Uttara. 45/3) - "Devotion is independent and the treasure house of all bliss."
Narayan ! Narayan !! Narayan !!!

Date : 1st December, 2012 (Bhakti ki Vilakshantaa)
From book "Discovery of Truth and Immortality" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Ram Ram