|| Shree Hari ||
(Mana ki Khatpat Kaise Mite?)
Favorable and unfavorable situations will come to all. God, who was the charioteer of Arjuna says to him - Brother! These are "Shitoshna sukhdukhadaah" You bear these situations. "Taastitikkshavya" (Gita 2:14). Sri Krishna did not say, I will get rid of them. He said to bear these patiently.
One must not come under the influence of attachment (likes) and aversion (dislikes). One should not become happy or sad regarding something to be pleasant or unpleasant. Do not worry about it, then everything will be alright. When restlessness comes your way, don't become pleased or displeased. These things will come and go. The mantra is "agaamipaayinonitya" recite this within the mind. Have that feeling, that inner expression that this thing comes and goes, it is unreal (temporal, changing). However good or bad the situation may be, but the minute that situation comes up, immediately recite within, this is "agaamipaayinonitya". It's nature is to come and go, it is unreal, constantly changing. This is the truth, because neither favorable, nor unfavorable situations will remain. Simply understand, that this will not stay with us. This is not a new thing. So what is there to be happy or sad with the situation?
In getting something that you like or not getting it, what is there to become happy or sad ? Best of best situations come your way, then that too will not remain, but you will always remain ! Right in front of you, both favorable and unfavorable situations come and go, but you remain. You are that same one, simply keep your sight on your Self.
All that comes and goes, do not blend with it - this itself is liberation. Blending with it - is itself bondage. All the clatter, the noise that comes and goes, by becoming entangled with it, is bondage, and not getting entangled with it is liberation. What an easy, straight-forward, simple point this is!
You say that in spite of not wanting, you somehow get entangled and blend with the clatter, the restlessness. You suddenly become one with the pleasant and unpleasant situation. There is a solution for that as well. On blending with it, you still have the knowledge that you have blended with it, but you are actually separate, and the favorable / unfavorable are separate. Isn't it true ? Noise and restlessness arise, then they subside; they come and they go away; but you remain. Then you and the noise are two or one?
Now you say that - you understand right now, but the moment that a favorable or unfavorable situation comes, at that moment, you cannot tell. You become united and blend with it. After becoming connected with it, you realize later that you have blended. The answer is that even after recognizing this later, think that you were not joined at that time as well. You had simply believed that you were joining. It was never with you, and you were apart from it. With such understanding, become silent !! That is it ! It will go away. By giving importance to the joy and sorrow from the union, the clatter within continues. Therefore do not give it any significance. Talk to it and say, you were never connected, then it will be wiped out, eradicated entirely. When you become aware, then say to yourself, that no - no, you were never united with it. (to be continued)
Date : 19th December, 2012 (Mana ki Khatpat Kaise Mite?)
From book "Jeevan ka Satya" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Ram Ram
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