Three Easy Paths for Salvation
(Kalyaan ke Teen Sugam Maarg)

Shree Hari
Bhaktiyoga (The Path of Devotion) continued.....
Without the awakening of love, egoism is not entirely destroyed -
Prem bhagati jal binu raghuraayi |
Abhiantar mal kabahun na jaayi || (Manasa, Uttara 49/3)
Even a liberated exalted soul has demand (hunger) for love. Therefore for he who is not satisfied with salvation (liberation), God bestows His love upon him. From this view-point, salvation is a means and love is an end. Without attaining love, the spiritual discipline is not perfected. God in spite of being an embodiment of knowledge has hunger for love. In spite of having attained salvation through Jnanayoga and Karmayoga an aspirant has subtle egoism because of which though distance and difference from God are destroyed, yet there is no inseparability with God. This subtle ego does not cause birth and death, but it causes philosophical differences. It is because of this subtle egoism that there are differences among the liberated exalted souls, in their tenets and principles. But having attained love, when the subtle ego is annihilated, all differences come to an end and there is inseparability of the liberated exalted soul with God. With this inseparability, no entity besides God remains – "Vasudeva Sarvam" (Gita 7/19)
It is mentioned in the Upanishad that God didn't feel at home alone - "ekaaki na ramate" (Brhadaaranyaka 1/4/3). Therefore for play (love sport) God became many from one - "sokaamayat bahu syaam prahaayeyeti" (Taittiriya 2/6). Among those numerous forms Shreeji had an inclination only for God, but others began to play with toys (body-world). Shreeji did not get entangled in toys, therefore she attained love which increases every moment, while other beings becoming entangled in toys, followed the cycle of birth and death. Actually these toys are not for us, they are to comfort and serve others. It is a blunder to regard them as ours and for us. It is our duty to rectify this blunder. This blunder transforms itself into different evils according to the situation such as desire, wrath, greed, delusion, envy, aversion and hypocrisy etc. Then blunders go on increasing endlessly.
When an aspirant forgets the self, then identification of the self with the body takes birth. When he forgets his duty, such actions are done by him that ought not to be done. By forgetting God, he is attached to the perishable. To rectify this mistake there are three yogas - Jnanayoga, Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga. By discrimination if he separates himself from the things that he has acquired from the world - This is Jnanayoga. If he serves the world with those things, this is Karmayog. If he surrenders himself to God Whose part he is - this is Bhaktiyog. But he who instead of following Jnanayog, Karmayog or Bhaktiyoga, runs after the world i.e. hankers after pleasures and prosperity, follows the cycle of birth and death. If he is born, he has to die and if he dies, he has to be born again. Thus he goes on following the wheel of birth and death - "punarapi janana, punarapi maranam, punarapi jananijathare shayanam" (to be continued)
From book "For Salvation of Mankind" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Ram Ram
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.
FOR MESSAGE IN HINDI PLEASE VISIT Date : 30th October, 2012 (Kalyaan ke Teen Sugam Maarg) at