Three Easy Paths for Salvation
(Kalyaan ke Teen Sugam Maarg)

(Kalyaan ke Teen Sugam Maarg)

Shree Hari
Bhaktiyoga (The Path of Devotion)
It is a rule that at the root of every creation there is some creator. At the root of every person and thing there is some unborn entity. If a man accepts the existence of the world but does not accept the existence of its creator, it is his blunder. It is very necessary for an aspirant to have intimacy with God or to take refuge in Him by having a firm belief in Him Who is the base and illuminator of both – the higher Nature (soul) and the lower Nature (world). It is not necessary for an aspirant to know how God is and how He is not. He has to accept that God exists and that he belongs to God. God cannot be known by the senses, mind and intellect but His existence can be accepted. How can the creation know its creator? How can a part know the whole?
God is not an entity to be thought over but He is the object of faith and belief. Man is completely independent whether he accepts His existence or not. The soul (self) and the world are the objects to be thought over. The object about which we know something and we don't know something can be thought over, But He about Whom we know nothing and Whom we have never seen, can be only believed. No one can wipe out the faith or belief that we have.
We can't know God but we can't remain without accepting His existence; in the same way as we can't know our parents but we can accept their existence, because at the time of conception the body had no existence. If we accept the existence of the body, we will have to accept the existence of our parents. If we exist, it means that our parents also exist. If there is the effect, the cause must be there, similarly if we ourselves exist, it means that God also exists. Our existence is the direct proof of the existence of God. We do not exist - no one can deny his own existence. When one's own existence can't be denied (negated), than God's existence can also not be denied.
It is totally impossible to know our father in comparison to our mother because at that time when he became our father, our body had no existence at all while our body was completely formed in the womb of the mother when we took birth. God is the father of the entire world - "aham beejapradah pitaa" (Gita 14/4), I am the procreating father. (Gita 14/4). Pitahamasya jagatah (Gita 9/17) I am the father of this Universe. (Gita 9/17) . Pitaasi lokasya charaacharasya (Gita 11/43). You are the father of the animate as well as, inanimate beings. (Gita 11/43). It is totally impossible to know God. His existence can only be accepted. There is no other way out. Acceptance is not weaker than knowing (knowledge). By having a firm belief in the existence of God, our intimacy with Him is revealed and by that intimacy, our love (devotion) for him is revealed. (to be continued)
God is not an entity to be thought over but He is the object of faith and belief. Man is completely independent whether he accepts His existence or not. The soul (self) and the world are the objects to be thought over. The object about which we know something and we don't know something can be thought over, But He about Whom we know nothing and Whom we have never seen, can be only believed. No one can wipe out the faith or belief that we have.
We can't know God but we can't remain without accepting His existence; in the same way as we can't know our parents but we can accept their existence, because at the time of conception the body had no existence. If we accept the existence of the body, we will have to accept the existence of our parents. If we exist, it means that our parents also exist. If there is the effect, the cause must be there, similarly if we ourselves exist, it means that God also exists. Our existence is the direct proof of the existence of God. We do not exist - no one can deny his own existence. When one's own existence can't be denied (negated), than God's existence can also not be denied.
It is totally impossible to know our father in comparison to our mother because at that time when he became our father, our body had no existence at all while our body was completely formed in the womb of the mother when we took birth. God is the father of the entire world - "aham beejapradah pitaa" (Gita 14/4), I am the procreating father. (Gita 14/4). Pitahamasya jagatah (Gita 9/17) I am the father of this Universe. (Gita 9/17) . Pitaasi lokasya charaacharasya (Gita 11/43). You are the father of the animate as well as, inanimate beings. (Gita 11/43). It is totally impossible to know God. His existence can only be accepted. There is no other way out. Acceptance is not weaker than knowing (knowledge). By having a firm belief in the existence of God, our intimacy with Him is revealed and by that intimacy, our love (devotion) for him is revealed. (to be continued)
From book "For Salvation of Mankind" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Ram Ram
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.
FOR MESSAGE IN HINDI PLEASE VISIT Date : 27th October, 2012 (Kalyaan ke Teen Sugam Maarg) at