Thursday, December 8, 2011

Call for Disseminating the Practical Application of Ramayan and Gita (continued from Dec 5, 2011)
The state Arjuna was in at the time he heard the message of Sri Gitaji, that very same condition is being faced by Bharat (India) today, as seen from the present organization and leadership of the country. A state of not knowing, and a state of confusion about one's duty. In other words there is an unprecedented need for the ruling and leadership as during Lord Ram's rule. The exemplary conduct and behavior of Lord Ram, is most applicable and required, and for this Ramayan and Gita must be faithfully read and its meaning understood and one's life must be lived according to it. This is extremely essential and all this will be possible when we will understand Gita and Ramayan properly and accordingly conduct ourselves and imbibe the principles in our lives. Therefore Gita and Ramayan must be read and taught and others too must be made to do so. Children nowadays that are getting education that does not include spiritual and religious studies, for them it is extremely essential to get genuine spiritual education. Our scriptures say - "Dharmene heenaah pashubhih samaanaah" Without spirituality and righteousness, one is like an animal. The animalistic tendencies are spreading wildly and proliferating in our country and it is building a home here. Therefore to eradicate it one must take refuge of one who has given up selfishness and one who is genuinely our well-wisher - God and His Loving Devotees. 

Sur nar muni sab ke yah reeti | swaarth laagi karahin sab preeti || 
Swaarth meet sakal jag maahin | sapanehun prabhu parmaarth naahin || 
Hetu rahit jag jug upakaari | Tum tumhaar sewak asuraari || 

Santan mili niranai kiyo mathi puraan itihaas | Bhajibe ko doyi sughar, kai hari , kai haridas. 
These two are the elixir, the nectar filled, pure, jewel of scriptures, one that has come from the mouth of the Lord - Gitaji and another from the sweet words of God's loving devotee, Tulasidas – Sri Ramayan. Languages are many, but the best of all is language of the gods, Sanskrit and the second is the language of the country – Hindi. Gita is in Sanskrit and Ramayana is in hindi. The two incarnations that are considered main are one Shri Ram and another Shri Krishna. The aforesaid holy texts both are brilliance of Shri Ram and Shri Krishna. The method of conveying the teachings are two – one is spoken and the other is conduct (living it). 

Yadyadacharati shreshthstat tadevetaro janah | 
Sa yatpramaanam kurute lokastadanuvartate || (Gita 3/21) 

That very same set of instructions have been spoken by Shri Bhagwaan in Gitaji and they have been shown by Shri Ramji in Shri Ramayan. A literary composition is also of two kinds – one is to be seen and another is to be heard. Ramayan is to be seen and Gita is to be heard. 

Srimad Bhagavadgita through succinct spiritual instructions and Ramayan explains to us through clear examples and divine plays and stories. Therefore these two holy books must be studied carefully and one must act in accordance to the instructions. 

Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!! 

From book "Jeevan ka Kartavya" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji 

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.