Tuesday, September 6, 2011

परम श्र्धेय स्वामी राम सुख दास जी महाराज का दुर्लभ प्रवचन के लिये यहा क्लिक करे

भाद्रपद  शुक्ल  नवमी ,  मंगलवार , विक्रम  संवत  २०६८ 
How to be Saved from the Fear of Death  
The more there is a sense of "I" and "Mine"  in a body, the greater the suffering at death.   Lots of people keep on dying in the world,  but we do not suffer any grief on their passing away, because we do not feel a sense of  "I-ness" or "My-ness" with them. 
At the time of death, there is bodily pain on one side and mental suffering on the other side.  Pain comes from the body and suffering is in the mind.  A person who is a recluse  (vairagi) experiences physical pain, but not mental suffering;  of course, the one who is attached to the body suffers terrible pain, while such pain is not endured by a recluse.   One who has realized the self (bodha) and attained deep loving devotion to the Lord, such an emancipated great soul, a liberated soul and a lover of God,  does not experience even pain.  Just as Bali who was in loving devotion of the Lord's Lotus feet at the time of his death,  did not undergo any pain and suffering.  Just as an elephant with a garland around the neck remains unaware of it breaking and falling away, similarly, Bali did not even realize the departing of the body.  

Ram charan drudh preeti kari baali kinh tanu tyaag |

Suman maal jimi kanth te girat na jaanayi naag (Manas 4/10). 

After Self-realization,  a person gets established in Reality which is truth, consciousness and bliss solidified in which there has never been any change, nor is, nor can ever be.  On attaining divine love a person realizes and experiences (anubhav) extraordinary relish (rasa) and this love is perceived increasingly every moment. 
After Self-Realization and on attaining divine love, a person experiences a feeling of joy and tranquility even at the moment of death.  The reason is that such an exalted soul who has knowledge of Truth does not remain tied to one body and becomes all pervading (sarvayaapi), while a loving devotee of God passes into God's domain, in devotional service of the Lord. 
He whose I-ness or My-ness has not gone away from his body, he too can experience joy at the time of his death, as in a brave soldier, a feeling of courage raises his morale and enthusiasm and though there may be  pain in his body, but it does not cause him to suffer;  on the contrary, he derives satisfaction and joy in doing his duty.  He is so full of zeal that he keeps on fighting, even when his head is cut.  After the order for hanging was announced to Khudiram Bose, he became so happy that he gained weight before his execution, as he was pleased to have accomplished his goal.     
                                                                           On the birth of a child, a woman undergoes great pain, however, she does not suffer, rather there is a certain sort of joy within, due to her attachment to the child, which helps her in overcoming her pain.  A greedy person feels great difficulty in spending his money,  but if there is a possibility of making substantial gains, he might invest his money and if necessary, he will even borrow money from others at high interest and not find it difficult or painful.  During the hot summer months, the disenchanted ascetics (Tapasvis), uses the five sacred fires (Panchagni), but due to having the aim of performing austerities, despite the heat, they do not suffer.  Instead they experience joy in fulfilling their spiritual obligations.  For a recluse, free from worldly attachment, a wife, son, riches, houses etc.,   are of no consequence and he does not miss these, nor does he feel any sadness without them, on the contrary, he feels happy.  Not only that, many rich, Rajas (kings) and Maharajas (emperors), experience peace and joy in his company.  So also, in death and in when in pain, it is possible to experience joy even if sense of "I" and "mine" is wiped out.  And if the sense of "I" and "Mine" is completely eliminated, where there remains no one who is the "experiencer" (bhokta) of that pain, then who will suffer the pain?   

From "Vasudeva Sarvam"  in Hindi and "All is God"  by Swami Ramsukhdasji