Success of Human Life
continued ....
Listener - Sir, there was a difference in the situation after studies as you gained knowledge. Is it not so?
Swamiji - How does it make any difference in the self? There was accumulation of knowledge in your intellect, but there was no difference in your "self". Similarly you thought of earning money and then earned it. Then again you had no thought of earning it. So how did it make any difference in the self? This topic is a bit deep or serious. Learning improves intellect rather than you (self). But you intermingle with intellect so much that you feel improvement in yourself after the learning. If you have a paralytic attack, your intellect is paralyzed and you forget everything. You (self) are the illuminator of even egoism (I' ness). So how can you acquire anything from the body, senses, mind, intellect and egoism?
As the world is seen, so are the body, life breath, organs of action, sense organs, mind and intellect perceived. The sense of "I" is also perceived by you. I'ness is in you but you (self) are not in I'ness. You always remain established in the "self". But when you think of performing some actions, you get established in the world. Having completed the worldly action, again you resume the original state of being established in the "self". As an ox moves round and round in a circle without reaching anywhere, so do you remain in the same state in which you are even after performing various actions throughout your life. So nothing remains to be done for you.
Gentlemen this is something very uncommon and all of you can understand it. You can attain the state of supreme peace and bliss in which nothing remains to be done, to be known and to be acquired. Everyone can attain it whether he is virtuous or sinful, learned or ignorant, worthy or unworthy, rich or poor and whether he is a degree holder or not. But it is beyond your power to achieve the worldly aim. You unnecessarily indulge in various worldly affairs. You should only have steadfast perseverance to be blessed with bliss. Think over it and solve this problem. Then nothing will remain to be done. Even if you die today, you needn't grieve because you have achieved your aim. You all have mercy on me and understand this point once and for all.
From "Ease of God Realization" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Date : 10th September, 2011 - Bhagwat Praapti ki Sugamtaa
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.
Date : 10th September, 2011 - Bhagwat Praapti ki Sugamtaa
Ram Ram
ENGLISH: www.swamiramsukhdasji.netHINDI :