Thursday, September 22, 2011

परम श्र्धेय स्वामी रामसुख दास जी महाराज का दुर्लभ प्रवचन के लिये यहा क्लिक करे

Ashwin Krishna Dashami, Guruvar, Vikram Samvat 2068

True Humanity

He whose nature and inner sentiments (bhaav) are to share in the sufferings of others, can never ever enjoy pleasures while others are suffering.  A person with a noble heart can't cook and relish delicious dishes, if his neighbor is starving.   Under such circumstances, he can't relish food at all. But those people who cause suffering to others, will they suffer on accord of other's sufferings?  Such people who cause suffering to others for their own happiness, dishonor others for their own honor, blame others for their own praise, dismiss others for their own position, don't deserve to be called human beings.  They are not human beings at all. They are animals!  Animals that are so lowly, that they have neither horns, nor tails.  They possess human body and beasty nature.  Birds and beast are purified by reaping the fruit of their sinful actions.  But vile persons, who cause sufferings to others, pave the way to hells by committing new sins.  In the Ramcharitramanasa Lord Rama says to Vibhishana –

Baru bal baas narak kar taataa | 
Dusht sang jani deyi bidhaataa || (Manas 5/46/4)  

O' dear friend, it is better to live in hell, but let providence not give us the company of vile persons (Manasa 5/45/4) 

It is vile to be happy and sad with one's own happiness and sadness.  Our stay in hells will expiate our sins and purify us, while company of the vile will lead us to different kinds of hells. 

Animals don't incur sins by causing suffering to others because the ordinance of sins and virtues is applicable to human beings only. Birds and beasts cause suffering to others in order to satisfy their hunger, rather than for pleasure and prosperity.  But a millionaire or a multi-millionaire that goes on hoarding wealth by causing suffering to others does not deserve to be called a human being.  He is worse than an animal.  This human life aims at purification. Those who cause suffering to others commit sins and they will have to reap horrible fruits. 

The inner sense of those who don't feel happy in the happiness of others and compassionate with sorrow of others is impure.  Their impure inner sense paves the way to hell for them. The inner sense of animals is not so much impure because they don't kill beings for pleasure.  They satisfy their hunger with the kill.  Men are free to perform new actions while animals have to reap the fruit of their past actions.  Men prepare delicious dishes and relish them and thus they incur sin.  True humanity consists in being happy with others' happiness and sad with others sadness.  So every human being should have the sentiment how can all beings be happy and how can they be relieved of their sufferings? 

Narayana !  Narayana !!  Narayana !!!

From book "Ease of God Realization" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.
Date : 20th September, 2011 – Bhagwat Praapti ki Sugamta 


Ram Ram
