Tuesday, August 30, 2011

परम श्र्धेय स्वामी रामसुख दास जी महाराज का दुर्लभ प्रवचन के लिये यहा क्लिक करे

आज की सुभ तीधी 

भाद्रपद शुक्ल प्रतिपदा, विक्रम सम्वन्त २०६८ मगळ्वार

4. Duty versus Rights

It is the duty (kartavya) of a son to serve his mother and father. Whereas it
is the mother and father's rights (adhikaar) to receive this service.

A student must fulfill his duties and sacrifice his rights.

We need to give up the attitude that says - let others do according to what I like.  Let things happen my way.  Sacrifice is - "Giving up of our rights." It is our right to do our duty, but it is not our right to acquire or gain from it. These days we desire our rights, but are unwilling to do our duty. In reality, rights follow duties, but these days we run after our rights. Right is a servant of Duty, but nowadays we have become the servant of Rights. We desire to pass in examinations, but we do not like to study. In this society, if everyone only wanted to fulfill their rights, then there would be nothing but fights.

The minute we look at the duties of another, we fall from our own duties.  To show that we are superior to others is a pursuit of "Rights". To perceive ourselves as good is also a pursuit of our "Rights" Whatever others say to us, let us not be affected. Let us do our duty well then this world (society, community) will become a better place.

Seeing others with faults is not a fault finding view. Mother and father see the faults of their children. Teacher sees the faults of his students, Master sees the faults of his Disciples, but this is not considered as someone who is fault finding (dosh drshti), rather it is a desire to see them without any faults.  Flaws / faults should not be viewed as permanent in us, nor in others - this is a very important point.

The essence is that everyone's present is without flaws and faults.

From "Sagar ke Moti" in Hindi - page 105 by Swami Ramsukhdasji